Trump Crushes Biden In Stunning Poll Turnaround As Dems Turn On Bragg!!!



How anyone would vote for biden after what he’s done to this country you would have to be nuts

We stand together for President Trump


  1. Of course the dummycrats turned on Alvin Bragg. Former Confederate General Braxton Bragg was a dummycrat. Now it’s time for Alvin to get back into the cotton fields and do the only job he’s qualified for.

  2. DJT is still called President Trump by citizens, while Biden has other descriptions such as, Bumbling Biden, Town Clown, Slo joe, Professional Idiot, Senile, Out-Of-Touch, Obuma’s puppet, etc. Joe has no respect from our citizens or from foreign citizens or their leaders. See you in 2024 Joey (oops forgot LOSER).

  3. These people on the Fox News Panel shows me exactly how ignorant and stupid they really displayed during their interview! It appears that people calling themselves a Democrat do not realize the Democratic party is no longer the Democratic party! It is now known as the American Communist Party!! All of you people who vote for a Democrat need to go back to school and learn what it means to earn a dollar! I was taught that as a child. The majority of these people have no idea what GDP, & GNP represents. I personally feel they should re-install the Draft!

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