Trans Man’s Dumb Take On Women



This is better than any SNL skit in the last 15 years.

We are literally living out the impacts of social media on society. In a way it all makes sense, to get likes and comments, you have to stand out SO much. Being normal just doesn’t cut it.


  1. Why are so many people hung up on sex these days and feel they have to announce what their sexuality is to the world? I don’t really give a crap who you want to go to bed with just don’t push it on my young kids. Why does social media trip over their feet to put yet another same sex person’s story on the media outlet? Don’t care what they say it’s not the greatest thing in the world.

  2. Gender is determined by genetics. ( X & Y chromosomes. This should be known by everyone. Gender is NOT determined by wishful thinking. That is “mental illness”.
    Have recently seen that some ( hopefully few) surgeons are operating to reverse a persons true gender. Do these “surgeons” actually have a real medical degree? I doubt it. I hope that they are not so ignorant as to not know about genetics.
    Does your Doctor believe gender is elective? And can be treated surgically or medically? Time to get a new Doctor who actually went to medical school AND who didn’t sleep through classes.
    Do you believe in the trans movement ? Then you must be a Democrat. Anyone stupid enough to believe in the trans movement must be a Democrat.

  3. Are ignorance and stupidity the same thing? Not according to dictionary definitions. BUT Ignorance does not justify stupidity and ignorance does not imply stupidity but when does self-inflicted ignorance become stupidity?
    (Yes, I’m speaking to you, Democrats).

    • Why does there seem to be a requirement that to be a Democrat, one must be ignorant, stupid, or both?
      This seems to be true primarily for the non politician Democrat. The politicians may be just stupid since they know exactly what they are trying to accomplish which is the destruction of the Constitutional Republic and apparently the establishment of Communism.


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