It’s Time We Split America in HALF…(with a Catch) | Buddy Brown



Spoken like a TRUE gun totting, freedom loving, Woman hugging, Beer drinking American MAN!!! God love and bless Buddy!!!

Damn Buddy you should run for office, that small speech is worth 50 million votes alone!


  1. It’s easier said than done. The blue states want everything blue. They want one-world government. They may be divided, but so are we. Who’s going to lead us in this super-conservative country. If we don’t specifically state in the Constitution that we are a Christian nation, then we will be lost just like the far left is.

  2. MTG brought the split a few eeks ago and now Buddy brings it up but he has a plan to go with it. He’s right that within 2 years the leftist blue will crumble, but they’ll get some help from places like China to prop them up will the strings being pulled by China. After chasing down gross rodents just to have a meal and the loss of their little computerized toys, the leftist will all huddle inside their imagined “safe rooms” and cry cry cry while realizing that safe rooms are good for nothing. But leftist won’t come back begging the red states to bail them out. Leftist NEVER admit they’re wrong. So they’ll stay in their little hell holes they created and continue to cry while China has a big laugh.

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