Trump Attorney: ‘This Shows How Corrupt The NY Judicial System Has Become’



Powerful words from an attorney “This shows how corrupt the NY judicial system has become “.

This also shows that America no longer exists as a country internally which is why it’s so rapidly unraveling externally. This is simply beyond repair.


  1. Well now, America’s demise (didn’t stutter) actually began nearly sixty years ago at the start of Johnson’s misnamed “Great Society.” Bit by incremental bit “We The Serfs” have become slaves to government.

    All parties are culpable, the Democrat Party and the Democrat Lite Party, a.k.a. the GOP (Grand Old Putzes). Perhaps most at fault; however, are the American people who have allowed this slide toward the Ash Heap of History where all FORMER World Powers reside. The claim, as heard from talking heads and political hacks, that “The American People Are Not Stupid” has to be the LIE of the last two centuries!

    America has now become no better than the next “banana republic.” With China, Russia, Iran, Brazil, and others now joined at the hip it appears nearly impossible that America can recover. China will be the NEW heavy weight champion of the World, their 100 year quest to be the World’s #1 Super Power both economically and militarily is coming true far earlier than projected! STAND BY boys and girls, it only gets rougher earlier than late. As Ripley would say, “BELIEVE IT OR NOT!”

  2. It’s a tuff journey ahead and I don’t know it can be saved. We live in a
    crazy world. The democrates want to be the lone party .I wont be around
    to see what plays out. Have fun.

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