Their always screwing the common man, and the below middle class, where it’s hard to just survive, then u want to tax us moreeiFk the corrupt, government we deal with. Their nothing but fkg theifs
Stephen, as a Christian, your are dealing with symptoms and not the real problem. The farther this nation has gotten from God, the worse our problems have become. When we make “the government” our god, we are committing idolatry. The very first commandment: “I am The Lord thy God, thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
However, I did appreciate this interview. He certainly is correct. Government, in protection of itself, only creates problems, it never solves problems. Politicians are the problem, not the solution.
Their always screwing the common man, and the below middle class, where it’s hard to just survive, then u want to tax us moreeiFk the corrupt, government we deal with. Their nothing but fkg theifs
Stephen, as a Christian, your are dealing with symptoms and not the real problem. The farther this nation has gotten from God, the worse our problems have become. When we make “the government” our god, we are committing idolatry. The very first commandment: “I am The Lord thy God, thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
However, I did appreciate this interview. He certainly is correct. Government, in protection of itself, only creates problems, it never solves problems. Politicians are the problem, not the solution.