They showed up to HIS HOUSE after posting this on social media…



Look at what they’re doing to President Trump.

If you think that what's happening to Trump can't happen to you, you're in denial.


  1. This is horribly scary. I believe if we don’t choose wisely in November, meaning electing Donald Trump, America will be gone. The more government gives people, the more power they have. That is the Democratic way. Remember nothing is free.

  2. “Honey, put on some coffee; we have company. They say they’re from the government and are here to intimidate us.”

    • Save us? Save you from yourself. Tiny hands will have a hard time governing from Rikers. Oh, right. He doesn’t care about governing. He only cares about himself.

      • You should stop showing people just how stupid you really are. Who was the first and only president to give his complete salary to help others? Who was the president that tried to close the border but was blocked by a democratic congress? Who was the president that caused the death of Americans by pulling them out of another country with out military support? Who is the president that sold out American soil to our enemies ? Answer to the first 2 was Trump, all the others are Biden who is also trying to remove ALL our rights granted by the constitution. He is also the only one who has done everything to go against his oath of office and might I say it is the same one I took when I joined the Navy in 65. Every veteran and active person took the same oath and 99% kept it and still do. WAKE UP MORON.

  3. “noncompliance”…this is what the Nazis said and did. They stopped students from entering university. They controlled everything you said, or did. This all started with allowing them to pull down statues. Then they wanted “safe spaces” and people gave in. Now they want to tell you what to think, say, do, wear, watch, read, etc. If you don’t ‘comply’ they come after you one way or another. Nazis took away guns — Democrats want to do the same. This is frightening.

  4. JoAnne you are 100% correct. Mr ” numnuts Don failed world history or never took it. Biden is following Hitlers play book to the letter. If FJB gets back in we will become the second Nazsi country and we will have no life to speak of. People like George Sorros, who is wanted by his home country for treason, will be all that is left. No place for decent people.

  5. At 86, having voted in every election for
    65 years, being highly educated(3 BA’s,
    MBA, and PHD), served 36 years as a university administrator/ECONOMICS PROFESSOR.Taught over 15,000 undergrads and over 500 MBA GRADUATES. Conducted over 100
    PAID corporate consultations and 5
    PAID foreign government ECONOMIC
    MR. Nesbitt, your comments reminded
    me of the 12,000 17 to 19 year olds who
    painfully learned in the first day of class that they didn’t know SPIT!!! My recent
    observations of far too many Democrats
    get their education from the under-
    morons of mainstream media who
    are Democratic party puppets, NOT

  6. You cannot talk common sense and logic to a Liberal. They only understand one way of speaking. So, FUCK OFF Don Nesbitt!!


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