These Immigrants Are SO Ungrateful, It’s Almost Painful To Watch



“I don’t care about the plight of African migrants, I care about paying my mortgage.” -me

They're lazy, and entitled, we have them in Scotland. They complain about free hotels, free food.


  1. why are they here? they clearly did not come for the jobs, the culture or the american freedom. Why are they here?

  2. If they don’t like it here, they can go back to their home country. I have no sympathy for these illegal freeloaders.

  3. These people are here illegally and they are being treated better than our own citizens and they have the audacity to complain about the way they’re being treated,I’m sure Biden will add a few extra dollars into their kitty to make them happy and get thier votes all at the expense of the taxpayers

  4. If they don’t like it here send them home.They need to work just like the rest of us.You can’t eat,have a living space and get bednefits unless you work. Nothing is ever free. Someone has to pay for it .

    • As you say “Nothing is ever free” but apparently that does not apply to the illegal immigrants invading our country at Biden’s invitation. Veterans are ignored and mistreated, while immigrants are given free everything ASAP. It’s maddening and Biden’s actions are despicable.

    • William this is being allowed by our elected officials so they can change America into their twisted socialist beliefs. You’ve had too many people who are not intelligent enough to understand they are being kept on the plantation and just keep voting for the candy coating and the promises that they break once in office. Until the voter’s finally stop being “woke” and actually wake up to this you’re going to just wash, rinse, repeat.

  5. what in the hell is this bussiness of a n with a caret on top followed by the Euro sign ?
    do you assholes not have have a copy Editor ?
    is English so hard to type ? or do you actually not speak english ?


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