Biden’s Student Debt Plan BACKFIRES, Again!!!



If Brandon wants to pay everybody's debts,, Maybe he should empty his bank account first instead of ours.

The government isn't forgiving debt, they're having the middle class pay it off.


  1. Biden thinks he has the right to say that we should pay the student loan debt. Who the hell is he to say what we should do with our money? And that’s the key question to all of this, because if the liberal left get their way we will have a controlled government that they have every right to decide what we should pay for. THEY have control over our lives completely and we would have to comply. Don’t let these corrupt politicians take control over us, it would be the end of our civilization.

  2. Biden and his ilk should think about paying off senior citizens mortgages after we worked hard all our lives instead of giving away money to people who wouldn’t work in a pie factory. This is disgraceful and shows how weak minded and pathetic this generation is. We worked, all they want to say is give me, give me, give me. Who raised these little snots anyway!

  3. This is all about buying votes. It is criminal. Students signed loan documents agreeing to pay it back. Stop using tax payers money to buy votes.

  4. you got your loans for school NOW NOW you pay off your own debt millions & millions of people went to college and PAID OFF THEIR OWN DEBTS you pathetic losers better pull your heads out of your back side and pay off your own debts we taxpayer’s are taxed enough pay your own bills

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