Obama needs to be forced to leave , he’s up to no good

I do not care what Obama, Hillary, Pelosi,Blinken, or any other Democrat think about Trump. I personally can not wait to vote him in and have a President that is for the people AND will save our beautiful nation.


  1. You can bet the democrats and Obama or anyone in the alphabet soup government aren’t worried about a damn thing, they ignore the laws for the simple reason they know the law doesn’t apply to them.
    The reality of the United States of America is the Government is above the citizens, and the citizens are fleeced by the government and most of its employees!
    It is as plain as the nose on your face!

  2. Obama is the last person anyone should trust he’s already said he believes the American people are too stupid to think for themselves and wants nothing more than be in control of how we live our lives and anyone who is the Demonrats candidate you can bet he’s the one who’s going to be pulling thier strings just as he is with dementia Joe,stop voting blue or say goodbye to our country because another 4 years of this corrupt anti-american administration and say goodbye to America,Trump 2024

  3. First of all, Obama is a snake and can’t be trusted. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and evil for the country. Biden as Obama’s VP was just as much a box checked as was Kamala Harris was to Biden. Biden has never been honest, he is slimy. Our country in in peril with this administration. The democrats are a controlled bunch by their powers, and sadly Republicans need to find their courage to fight against the injustices.

    • I wish there wasn’t comparisons of the sleazeballs in our govt to the animal kingdom. I understand the need to vent but our animal world are not part of the evil, underhanded jerks that are a scourge to our society. They are their own entity – we need to come up with their very own unique identity. Any nominations? Creating a new word or words would work.

  4. Biden will take this opportunity to hire a hitman. Think about it. it is the only crime he has not tried yet to eliminate his opponent. No other illegality has deterred him so far, and it is all that is left. If I were Trump, I would hire some New anonymous bodyguards to keep an eye on himself and his family and home.

    • It’s obvious that our country has been run by evil people for a very long time. They are more than capable of doing the worse things you can imagine without giving it a second thought. Human life is meaningless to them

  5. Jill Biden doesn’t want to lose the “throne”……that is all she wants and cares for nothing and the Generals video was EXCELLENT

  6. We need to protect president Trump, the left=wing, liberal, nut jobs have already threatened to assassinate him It’s time to start arresting, these fkg dirt=bags, before someone takes it, into their own hands, since the law won’t. The radical, dumbocraps are the enemy of the american people, vote everyone of these commies out of office. Hidenbiden is a walking cadaver, his wife is a pathetic, evil, lying, power hungry, elder abuser who needs to arrested, for abuse of a mentally unfit ,embarrassment, that is a danger to America.

    • Don’t discount FJB’s own evilness. He plays the pathetic feeble-minded person well. He can’t face criminal charges if “he knows not what he does” plays the part.

  7. Thank you for speaking the truth. I can’t wait for all the truth about Biden and Obama and Jill Biden and all the lies and fraud to come out. I believe that our God is in charge and soon all things will be changed according to His will and our nation will become the nation that it was always supposed to be.

    • But those truths will be shielded away and will never come out. As far as I’m concerned nobody, but a few have the cocoanuts to go wild hog on these traitors. Yes, I said TRAITORS, NOT PLAIN CRIMINALS. I trust a drug dealer on the corner before I trust anyone in the evil swamp.


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