Putin And China Just Scored A Devastating Blow To Europe And The U.S. With This Move | Redacted News



We Americans want oil!! We do not want electric vehicles at all!!

So obvious. But if Putin says no and pushes further that might scupper Bidens plans!


  1. Without oil, natural gas, and coal, there is no electric vehicle. Windmills and solar panels can’t keep up with demand. This has been proven several times over in California. We’ll all be riding horses, but horse farts will bring about more green house gases. Stupid dummycrats just don’t get it. NONE of their ideas make any sense. They’re all stupid.

  2. Right on all accounts, wilddog.It’s like the incompetence,ignorance,and delusional thinking of this administration,shows no bounds.This electifying of vehicles, will be the downfall and biggest boondoggle, of this incompetent,administration.We have no infrastructure,but who cares? Insanity, at it’s finest.Solar and wind will never cut it for our energy,get your head out of your behind before u, kill us all,with stupidity.

  3. Lord knows, God knows, Holy Spirit knows, Wilddog and Joe are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! This country is CLEARLY going through tests, trials, and tribulations as God and the founding fathers are pissed at what’s happening. Period!!! You know the old saying: Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. The election was stolen, but God’s infinite wisdom says, oh no, I will put this administration in place so that so that the people of the country and world can see what true humiliation, evil, scandal and sin looks like in spades, even though it’s been going on for centuries. The difference is it is worldwide and systemic around the world. This is a VERY powerful God Almighty and we all better start getting on the right side of God while we are still able, because we never know the date/time of when our judgment will happen.

  4. While Biden is busy destroy american energy and taking away our guns the Chinese and Russians are doing the opposite.

  5. I’m actually amazed that you folks don’t see an Agenda. Big puzzle, little pieces. It’s all realted to the goal. Destruction of America


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