The Real Reason Why It’s Hot Outside



Respect for the guy who recorded the weather for 120,000 years

Let’s make a deal:
Uncle Sam doesn’t tax me anymore, and I promise to throw my extra dollars at the Sun ☀️ to stop “Climate Change”


  1. My last month’s paycheck was 11000 USD. All I did was simple 0nline work from comfort at home for 6-8 hours/day that I got from this agency I discovered over the internet and they paid me 45 dollars every hour.
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    • Why are you advertising for something that sounds like you are spamming people? What does that have to do with the subject at hand?

  2. A world wide flood? That has never happened, right? The Earth has had a lot of weather influencing activities since it was first formed. For a long time it was void. No life was here. The gravity, the sun’s effects and deep turbulence of heated/molten materials (metals forming our core) mantle and crust were formed with granite and other solid and semi-solid minerals. Water is deep in the earth, as well as on the surface. Since the Earth was formed, there have been constant changes in every way. Some changes are quick and others cannot be discerned, only guessed at. We do have responsibilities to our planet and it’s inhabitants. No matter what we do here, Methane (a carbon gas) is constantly being released into the atmosphere. Many forms of life on earth are carbon based. Hawking said: “What we normally think of as ‘life’ is based on chains of carbon atoms, with a few other atoms, such as nitrogen or phosphorus”, per Stephen Hawking in a 2008 lecture,” When we breathe, we exhale “C02”. When we eat the digested food often creates When we die we decompose and carbon gas is expelled. That happens with nearly all life on earth. Perhaps we should find a way to ensure that no carbon based life can survive on Earth? Volcanoes expel carbon and the hot lava kills carbon based life creating more carbon in the air. Long dead plants deep in the Earth have been transformed into gas and oil. The exposure alone without combustion are still likely going to contribute carbon into the air. How do we stop swamps from the constant bubbling of carbon gases into the air? There is probably a (plethora, beaucoup) more than we can see entering our atmosphere. Do meteors create carbon gasses? It is difficult for me to find any “carbon neutral” goal that can be reached on Earth.


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