You Won’t Believe What We Found in Kamala’s Crowd Photos



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The propaganda press Corp is totally pathetic.


  1. It is all “ canned rhetoric”, the same propaganda, repeated over and over again. It is a form of subtle brain washing” tell a lie long enough and often enough, people will believe it”! The lies harris tells at every rally, same b.s. different day, over and over again! Plus the media gushing about her and walz is also brain washing. “ everyone loves Kamala”. “ walz is your down home guy everyone loves” all a load of demonrat bull crap! Listen to the subtle stuff in the middle of their statements, hidden a bit, but your brain hears it, like subliminal programming Obama used, and still uses, to convince everyone their lies are truth. Plus the vitriolic statements about Vance and Trump, the more hateful and nasty things they say are demonic! Demonrats lie, lie, and lie some more! If they can’t lie and disparage people, they have nothing to say! They accuse Trump and Vance of being the kind of people THEY are, they accuse them of things THEY are doing! Don’t be mis-led, think for yourselves, don’t buy into their bull crap! You are being gaslighted! Pay attention, watch their behaviour, their mannerisms, body language tells you a lot. Are they telling the truth? Body language says NO! Don’t be lulled into thinking they care about our country, they don’t they want to destroy it and us! The plans they have are anti American, pro communist/Marxist! They want you to have your children mutilated for the trans agenda, they want you to murder your babies in utero as a means of population control, they want to control every aspect of your lives! If you are comfortable with that, be stupid and vote for them, if not, get out the vote for Trump. Get the demonrats OUT of our government and help bring bsck our country!


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