Whoopi Goldberg TRIGGERED Over Trump Declaring NOBODY WANTS HER After She THREATENS To Leave Country



If all the people who said they were going to leave when Trump got elected America wouldn't be in the state it is in.

If Trump is convicted, I will be right out voting for him. I will out of spite. I don't believe in democrat lies, propaganda and manipulation.


  1. She’s right no one wants her here, finally own up to the fact that you said you would leave, we are waiting for you to leave!

  2. Good, leave you racist bitch. Move to another country like Haiti or Jamaica or something and don’t ever come back

  3. Don’t let the hit you where the good Lord split you. Bye, Bye good riddance, take your communist mouth out of here. Your mouth is bigger than your face, you open it and your head disappears.

  4. Hey Wosepie don’t just open that fat useless mouth, do what yo say, LEAVE. You won’t be missed and China will love having you in their commie country.

  5. There were herds of Hollywood Stars and other people making threats to LEAVE if Trump won the presidency. WHINE!! WHINE!! THEY ARE ALL STILL HERE!!!! There should have been an unlimited number of cruise ships docked to take them away on their one-way trip. We would have pitched a BIG party to see them go. Need a map to the docks or the airport? Google it. If you hate America, get your ass moving and get out of here.

  6. I definitely do not want Whoopie (Karen Johnson) to stay in America to piss all over America. She is NOT giving her species a good look!

    • And don’t forget she’s a low-life drug addict from the ghetto in New York. I for one would be thrilled to hear she’s leaving (wish she’d take the other cronies with her), but you got to take her passport to make sure she has to cross the border with all the others if she wants to come back.

  7. that statement would make her the Second biggest liar, right after joe bidung, she said she was leaving after 2016 and did not do it.

  8. KAREN, Karen, Karen.
    quit squealing trash that you have No Intention of doing, You arent going anywhere, Although many people would chip in to get you a one way ticket to Rafah, as soon as you can get packed.


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