Who hired this new girl?



It’s not ignorance. It’s maliciousness.

Are you lying?
Hired! Welcome to CNN!


  1. WHEN will the Liberal community wake up and face the error of their thinking? They were soundly defeated in the recent election, but continue to ignore the lessons they should have learned. Instead of moderating their illogical, unpopular doctrine, they’re now determined to hinder the voter-mandated actions of the duly elected president as he corrects the numerous errors of his addled predecessor. We can’t let this happen again, as it did in 2016-2020.

  2. The msm will continue to gaslight the people until they are put out of business. Cnn is losing viewership on a daily basis, so is fox and MSNBC. All a bunch of lying hacks. There is no longer any REAL honest journalists anymore! Just ones who shout THEIR opinions, not the actual truth, the news stations tell them what to say, which is the DEMONrat propaganda.

  3. What this stupid woman and her cohorts are selling, I AIN”T BUYING ! The chaos that they ignored is about to come to a screeching halt … let’s say about 12:00 noon on January 20 … AMERICA FINALLY GETS PUT BACK ON TRACK for the future. Down with biden, dr. jill, kammie, KJP, and the rest of that sorry, irresponsible, lazy bunch. MAGA and PRESIDENT TRUMP are waiting in the wings, getting ready to shift gears and make us more safe and successful !

  4. All that is required to be a news person on CNN is to be a stupid air head and just love demonrats and hate Americans and America

  5. Another CNN Progressive spewing left wing BS that will continue to make the MSM irrelevant. Scott Jennings must be getting mentally exhausted countering these other idiots’ comments. What a S**T Show!

  6. This Agenda relies on DEI candidates and puppets. They must look different than America and appeal to those working to destroy America. They are so unskilled, they can barely read from the script in front of their face. They are so happy to be on TV, they don’t care how they come across.


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