This guy is a narcissist. He refuses to admit he was flat wrong.
Watching this dude meltdown was totally worth voting for Trump alone !!!!!!!!!!
This guy is a narcissist. He refuses to admit he was flat wrong.
Watching this dude meltdown was totally worth voting for Trump alone !!!!!!!!!!
This guy (as well as all the woke leftist) are so ignorant it’s pitiful. They are showing the world the definition of someone who is a full blown retarded idiot. The sad thing is they can’t be fixed. No man can fix stupid.
Just watched that Kevin Walling, another “Mr know it all”. Pee’d off and ranting about Marjorie Taylor Greene. I love it that all of them have TDS! I bet he and Richard (Cheshire Cat) Fowler are crying in their beer together?
I agree with Tim.
Boy oh boy they are coming out of the wood work.
If the right could only think only a little bit. I do not want to live a Republican Dictatorship Do You ?
…and that’s why we won’t be. We will be living in a Democratic Republic once again. You can stop drinking the Kool-Aid now.
What government teat are you living on?
Note that he’s a KIKE Fag as well. And actually believes the BS he spouts daily. Fuck you Lichtman you KIKE BASTARD!
I say let them keep coming. Expose these people for whom they really are. It’s now wakeup America instead of woke America.
Just goes to prove you can’t fix stupid!
Is it not the nicest thing when a full bore supporter uses slang race I D words to express his inner feelings. All warm and calm when I shoot vermin in the outdoors. Hell, I would give you 10 seconds to run, then BANG, I would piss on you..’cause you don’t like my religion.
Oh, boy, Allan Lichtmann, the socialist, at his best. (Best at lying, and shutting down free speech, and best at being a “useful idiot”, for the cause of socialism, that is!) Well, too bad, socialist Democrat: you LOST! And us freedom-loving Americans WON! Too bad that we can’t resurrect the old Soviet Union for you to go hang out in and “enjoy”, huh? (“Enjoy some good poverty, tyranny, and terror, in a world of hell, such as the world hasn’t seen since the days of Genghis Khan, by the way, instituted by that brutal, bloodthirsty bank robber–and murderer of millions of his own people–named, Josef Stalin. Now THERE was a man who LIVED by “misinformation”: HE knew the truth, but YOU got his lies–just like our “buddy”, Allan Lichtmann!) But, the trouble here, Allan, is that your words don’t match up with reality: most Americans have been able to smell the “stink” originating from the Democratic Party’s socialists–and have been appalled by it. Dems say Trump IS a dictator–meanwhile they ACT like dictators, while spouting on about democracy and social justice. F YOU Democrats!!! You STINK to high heaven, with your climate crisis and green energy bs, and your rigged kangaroo court trials, and your paid-off mainstream media, all lying together in sych–and your fat, black and ugly prosecutors and attorney generals, whose incompetence (selected only by dei, not by merit)–is unbelievable!!! And then you want to CENSOR our free speech as “hate speech”–and take away our First Amendment right?!? How about this, Democrats: GO TO HELL!!!!!!