This Vehicle Has Killed Thousands (Do Not Buy)



This Car is Better and Cheaper Than Anything Toyota Makes Now:

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⬇️Scotty’s Top DIY Tools:
1. Bluetooth Scan Tool:
2. Mid-Grade Scan Tool:
3. My Fancy (Originally $5,000) Professional Scan Tool:
4. Cheap Scan Tool:
5. Dash Cam (Every Car Should Have One):
6. Basic Mechanic Tool Set:
7. Professional Socket Set:
8. Ratcheting Wrench Set:
9. No Charging Required Car Jump Starter:
10. Battery Pack Car Jump Starter:

⬇️ Things used in this video:
1. Common Sense
2. 4k Camera:
3. Camera Microphone:
4. Camera Tripod:
5. My computer for editing / uploading:

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I love my old Craftsman tools. Couple years ago I replaced for free at Lowes Home improvements my original 40 year old needle nose and side cutters. Yep, Lowes now carries Craftsman and honored the life time warranty. How cool was that!


  1. The Holy Name of Almighty God; AV King James Bible; Psalms 83:18 that men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth. The Most Holy Name Jehovah is in the King James Bible just 4 times, BUT, it is in the original manuscripts more than 7,000 times; WHY? Also, the name Jesus means: Jehovah is salvation”. – Go ahead, goggle it. Why do the so-called ‘Christian churches’ (now numbering more than 41,000 DIFFERENT sects) demand that those who attend such a divided (divisions are noted in the Bible as being a work of the flesh; NOT of the Spirit) group use Bibles that are NOT accurate? Because Jehovah God will not let those who teach lies (designed to control people through fear) to use His Holy Name. An example; hell DOES NOT EXIST, and I can prove it, easily; Please email me if you have questions. I can answer any question about the Bible using the Bible to do so. Any help I can provide is always free.
    Please carefully note this; Jesus speaking; John 6:44 No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him… This is what our NOW ruling King Jesus has ordered us to do; Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them . . . , teaching them.—Matt. 28:19, 20. – Why are we ordered to teach the Bible? Because the best possible method of learning ANY subject is by TEACHING it! Ask any teacher about this. I learned this from my wife, who taught math in the public schools for more than 27 years. Her first year was hard, as she did not know what she was doing/HOW TO teach! The second year and on she was very good at her work. The same was true for me with my first Bible students, but I got much better fast as I experienced the benefit of teaching the Bible in order to LEARN the Bible AND THUS BEING ABLE TO ANSWER ALL OF THE STUDENTS QUESTIONS! Which is why I can now answer any question about the Bible by using the Bible to do so.
    Hell, which does not exist, is a teaching that has driven more people away from Him than probably any other. If you would like to receive all of the post on hell proving that hell does not exist, please email me at and request the post. If you have questions about or from the Bible, please ask, or email me with your questions; any help I can provide is always free, as is commanded in the Bible. If you would like to know more about the Bible, I can direct you to a free Bible study course where you can study the Bible at your convenience IN YOUR HOME. If you would like to know more about CO2, vaccines, Ukraine, I have dozens of videos explaining these subjects, esp. why climate change is a lie. You can request such information and I will send what I have to you. Any help I can provide is always free. And, PLEASE NOTE THIS; “God-given rights” do not count in this Satanic ruled system. Luke 4:5 So he (Satan) brought him (Jesus) up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time. 6 Then the Devil said to him: “I will give you all this authority and their glory, because it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 If you, therefore, do an act of worship before me, it will all be yours.

  2. My wife purchased a new Genesis G80 Turbo 3.5 which came with 10 year drive-train, 5 year limited and 3 year free ordinary maintenance. We figured it is well built like our 25 year history with Lexus LS cars with up to 200,000 miles without a drive train issue (scheduled maintenance on mileage like 90K and 180K major maintenance). So, we hope the Genesis will be the same durability.

  3. American people keep buying these forgin cars from Forgin own company’s. From keeping them self’s from felling guilty, they well tell you there made here. If they would buy from American owned companies the same workers would be making them. Definitely anti American


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