This guy had the balls to say it on CNN!!!



I will vote Trump no matter what!

TRUMP 2024


  1. And because of these talking heads and people with TDS they are letting Biden call the shots for debates. Maybe it’s time for CNN to do the absolute right thing after all and say no to Biden’s outrageous demands.

  2. I predict biden and kammie will have been kicked out of The White House several days before ANY OF THESE SO-CALLED DEBATES are broadcast. The democraps are aware that their HEADS will be handed to them on 11/05, unless the nominees are changed. Only problem ? They have so devoted themselves to putting away PRESIDENT TRUMP for the past 3 1/2 years, they have absolutely no platform and nobody credible to run … i suspect their nominee will be the estimable Governor Gav of California (who has a GREAT track record to share with the Nation, for HIS most recent 3 1/2 years in the Golden State). Can’t wait to hear him brag about his record on budget, crime, the border, and the mass exodus of residents — and sell America on how he can do it for ALL of us !! If he were to attend a debate, it’s like DJT will send his new emissary Ron DeSantis to take the Red Chair … TRUMP has much more important work to do with his aggressive national rallies (always a HOOT !)

    • “More than 700,000 illegal immigrants living in California will gain access to “free” health care on Monday.
      It will eventually cost the state about $3.1 billion per year. Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom and lawmakers agreed in 2022 to provide health care access to all low-income adults regardless of their immigration status through the state’s Medicaid program, known as Medi-Cal.
      As the program kicks off next week, California faces a record $68 billion budget deficit.”

      “ – The state of California’s budget deficit grew by more than $54 billion in recent months as Americans flee the state in search of more freedom and opportunity in Republican-governed areas. California’s budget deficit recently hit $68 billion, having risen from just $14.3 billion in June. The $68 billion deficit is the largest in California’s history.”

      Newsom: kept schools closed during Covid longer than other states forcing California students to fall further behind in basic skills such as language and mathematics.

      Closed prisons and ordered the release of thousands of dangerous criminals onto our streets. NOW HE IS LOOKING AT CLOSING 3 MORE!

      Weakened our public safety laws, creating an epidemic of smash and grab crimes and violent assaults.

      Forced Californians to suffer under the highest taxes in the nation and the highest home prices outside Hawaii, AND IS PLANNING TO RAISE OUR INCOME TAX AGAIN!

      Spends billions on government homeless programs that have repeatedly failed, leaving the state with the highest homelessness in the country.

      The budget deficit has increased to $73 billion – with no response from Newsom.

      HE HAS CANCELLED HIS 2nd CONSECUTIVE STATE OF THE STATE ADDRESS — he does not want to be transparent or be held accountable!
      The EDD fraud from 2021 has been revised from $35 billion to $55 billion, leaving the state’s unemployment fund “insolvent”.

      Insurance companies have either pulled out of CA or have doubled or even tripled insurance premium costs.

      Governor Newsom continues to engage in PAY TO PLAY politics and has mandated minimum wage increases while at the same time exempting businesses owned by friends.

      Our overall state debt has reached $1.6 trillion – the highest debt of any state in the entire history of the United States.

      While other states are experiencing a hiring boom, CA has the slowest job growth in the nation.

      We now have been ranked as having the worst educated students in the nation.
      “California students score at bottom of nation in reading, math!-By Sharon Noguchi….California students continue to score near the bottom among states in math and reading, according to results of a national test released Thursday.The Golden State’s fourth-graders ranked 47th in the nation in both math and reading. Eighth-graders ranked 45th in math and 42nd in reading. And the scores show that the gap separating white students from their black and Latino peers in English and math is bigger in California than it is nationwide.”

      He has put this state and its residents in a dangerous position financially. We are suffering!”

      • This not America! Because of all these third world primitives in Congress, this is the results. This Obama’s stain he left behind, one big fat stain. Period! 8 freaking years of nothing! I want America back.

  3. FJB. I voted for Trump and will do it again in November. Gruesome Newsom destroyed California and now he wants to destroy the rest of the country, if dementia Joe doesn’t finish the job first.

    • The leftist “progressives” in FRISCO ar giving alcohol to alcoholics on Newsom Row.

  4. When Biden came in inflation was at 9+%. Not. It was at 1.4%. Do some fact checking before voting Republican, Democrat, or Independent. Biden has been corrupt his whole career. Trump has had some. People put down the good and bad of both. Be honest. Unlike the Mainstream Media. Then. cancel each good by one of the bad things. Whoever has the most good things left. You vote for. Or. Still not. Hmm!


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