Parents OUTRAGE Over BROKE LIBERAL CITY CLOSING Elementary Schools While Trying To FUND Migrants!



And they'll still vote Democrat again and again…

The ones complaining are the same ones who voted in support of illegal immigrants coming into the US, voted for democrats and liberal policies. They said yes to all of this.


  1. You Liberals just might wise up one of these days but i doubt it ,,, you ask for all this shit at the ballet box & now your getting what you ask for !!!! I can’t believe it !!! All these Democrat run cities going to HELL in a hand basket & going Broke And you liberals vote the idiots right back in office !! I bet you were slow learners in school also !!!!

  2. there is a simple solution to these problems stop voting for democrats.

    IF there is a d next to the name you do not vote for that person. problem solved.

    Let me be even more clear. denounce obama, clinton, schumer, pelosi, biden and all other democrat leaders. denounce all of the leftist / democrat agenda.

    you do not have to vote for republicans, though they are better. you can vote for the citizens, green, libertarians, communist, socialist, or whatever party. just never the democrats.

    Every problem in america today was created by the democrat party.

    never biden

    never democrats.

  3. Just do what the Marxifornian’s do, vote yourselves tax increases. Then watch as all those ax dollars go to the teacher’s union.

    Krapafornians and liberals are the stupidest people on earth.

  4. Put Trump on one side. Biden on other side. Draw a line down the middle. Because I said so. Write down all the good Biden has done. Put under Biden’s name. Draw another line under the last thing put down under Biden. Put the bad stuff Biden has done below that. Be honest. Not ignorant. Now on Trump’s side. Do the same. Number each good (1) until end. Draw a line. Under that line. All the bad stuff Trump has done.
    Go back up and count only the good Biden has done. Count the good Trump has done. Put a number next to Biden’s name. How many good things. Then the same with Trump. Then the bad stuff for each. For each bad thing, cross a good off. After all the bad has been marked. Who has the most good left? That is who you vote for. Like or dislike. That is the better candidate. That is how you vote. Without doing that, you will most likely vote for who you like. That is why there are so many wrong votes. Do that with each candidate in a particular race.

  5. Please do not vote for the Communists, Socialists, Marxists. That what these Democrats are following. Ban free speech, lockdowns, spend American money recklessly, indoctrinate children, even telling them to hide information from parents. Infiltrating schools, colleges, and the education system with Woke, CRT, DEI, which is racist and divisive. And of course blaming everyone else for their lousy policies that do not have America’s values and Constitutional Rights. Taking guns away from legal gun owners. While allowing criminals let out of jail, when they deserve to serve their time. Weak Justice System and FBI. Mainstream Media and the Democrat Party, and some from the Republican Party, lying, or covering the whole story and facts. Instead, creating a bad narrative with all of these corrupt institutions on board. Hard working and people doing their best being targeted. Insanity and evil. Add the Globalists, Elites, WEF, WHO, CDC, Big Pharma, and Dr. Fauci, and you see the corruption on a whole different scale. These people are not real Americans. They pick hate and violence over Integrity, Honor, Respect, Self-less Service, Personal Courage, Loyalty, Duty, Discipline. Hell in a hand basket. This is weak and from the devil. Pray in Jesus Name for your sins. Repent and be Baptized then God gives the Holy Spirit for understanding. Otherwise you are lost and cannot enter Heaven. Man is evil and rejects God. That is why Jesus died. Not all Religions are right. All think they are. The Soul, not the body, is eternal. We all die. But only those that accept Jesus as Lord will enter Heaven. He ignorant and hateful will suffer in hell for eternity. Ouch. One breathe away. Go out and tell the world. That is God’s command. Governments are corrupt.

  6. You were warned, but you didn’t listen. Now, America is practically destroyed. Why do you think Democrats had Biden hiding in his basement? Biden has never done anything to help our country, but he has become a millionaire taking bribes from foreign nations. He is the worst President in American History. President Trump is no saint, but he certainly put America first.


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