Nancy Pelosi’s lies FALL APART as J6 video confession LEAKS!!



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Nancy Pelosi should be held accountable for January 6th.


    • Joyce do really believe that they would do anything to her. Maybe the repub’s should have the networks hold a 3 channel Hollywood produced prime time evening show like they did with Trump, only present the real facts and tell the truth, which no one on that panel knows the truth. Us on the good side of the glass has felt that she was the original instigator of the whole proceeding. If it was that bad why then did it look like staff of the capital police have tour. The films I have saw indicated that most of the crowd was having a peaceful nonviolent protest through the Capital. There were only a few occurrences of violence, read the police reports for yotu doubters. Their officer died from a health condition, but one lady did take one for her country, know Nancy is involved with a murder, whole new story there, maybe she should be charged as a coconspirator in the homicide, just the facts ma’am

  1. Nancy: You have cost our government quite a of money over the years!
    Why wouldn’t you support Trumps request to beef up on security in DC for J6. We all known your trying to prosecute Trump for your foolishness!

    • Since she failed to get him in 2 impeachment hearings, this was her last attempt to crush the man, not working Nancy.

  2. Trump was purposely 5 minutes late starting his rally at National Mall on Jan. 6th. His rally ended 5 min. late. Of course people didn’t just dash off right away once the rally ended; they lingered a little after the rally. The “planned” insurrection had already started at the Capitol before Trump fans meandered on over to the Capitol from the rally at the Ellipse within the National Mall about a mile away. This was staged by Pelosi and DC Mayor Bowser. There were a lot of “actors” within the group of rioters. Bowser and Pelosi refused to call in the National Guard. It was a set-up from the get-go.

  3. Treason is still an offense that is punishable by firing squad, make it a pay per view and take care of a large portion of the deficit she created.

  4. But when will we see charges brought on anyone who took part in this, never because the Republican party is too slow and too nice. They can’t bring themselves to get in the mud and fight it out. I believe in justice, and it will never be served in this mess.

  5. Does this make you wonder what the catalyst was to make Pelosi tell the truth? Could it have been the identification of the Antifa rioters who destroyed the doors at the Capitol and finding those same rioters at Columbia University? How much involvement in organizing the riot on J6 did Nancy and her documentary have?

  6. I believe the game is a foot. First round corner, Congress vs, Clinton national security email leaks and Pelosi J6 responsibility, and if you remember Pelosi deleted the documents that related to Trump requesting the National Guard. Tennis anyone?

  7. What a total scum bag she is!!! Making millions on insider trading and
    thinking she controls the government,the media, congress, and her
    crap does not stink!!!! She should be prosecuted punished and
    deported out of this country!!!! Every time seeing her prune face and
    her uglyness….who died and made her GOD?? Her district is trash and
    she doesnt care. She is there to milk us all anyway she can stacking her
    10K freezer with $20 gal ice cream!!! What a waste of flesh she is. The
    day she leaves will be like a national holiday…good riddens!!!!
    Opinion everybody has one…..

  8. Nancy Pelosy need to hang it up.She has been dishonest and not wanting to follow her own rules. She couldn’t even have the National Guard at the ready to help make things more safe for everyone in the Capital. The one person she should’ve been protecting is the president instead she endangered him and everyone on capital hill. Why is she not being investigated a nd locked up? I know the answer to that BBB question. It’s called being a Democrat above the law. Just like the Biden family. As always the hotshot who gets away with murder and is never charged or convicted felon. She has no shame and never owns her own mistakes.

  9. Will justice ever prevail in DC? Probably not! But, President Trump remains our only hope in 2024 to focus legal efforts on bringing this justice to scum like Pelosi and the Socialist Democrats. Has America come to the reality that for our well being, national security, freedoms and our ultimate survival lie with Conservative policies? Prey to God, that these last 4 yrs. of liberalism has taught us a lesson – DO NOT VOTE FOR ANY DEMOCRAT!

  10. Let’s be honest here, Hillary, Obama, Biden (all of them), Pilosi and all the other crooks out there are never going to stand trial for anything. The whole republican party doesn’t have the gonads to go after them with all they got. I say get in the mud and get each and every one of them. If nothing more just relentlessly shame them, if that’s even possible.


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