Illegal aliens aren’t supposed to be dumped at wealthy liberal politician’s residences. Oh no, not that. They’re supposed to be dumped off in poorer neighborhoods so us peasants can deal with the resultant crime. These aliens don’t speak English and have no useful skills. Many are illiterate in their own language. They have no respect for America, no respect for our laws, and no respect for us. Send ’em back, pronto.
OK, which house, the one in DC or the one in Brentwood, CA. Now that would be something to see Illegals roaming the streets of Brentwood Millionaires. They’d have a meltdown like no other. Paybacks are a B- itch!
Soul — The original-language terms (Heb., neʹphesh [נֶפֶשׁ]; Gr., psy·kheʹ [ψυχή]) as used in the Scriptures show “soul” to be a person, an animal, or the life that a person or an animal enjoys.
The connotations that the English “soul” commonly carries in the minds of most persons are not in agreement with the meaning of the Hebrew and Greek words as used by the inspired Bible writers. This fact has steadily gained wider acknowledgment. Back in 1897, in the Journal of Biblical Literature (Vol. XVI, p. 30), Professor C. A. Briggs, as a result of detailed analysis of the use of neʹphesh, observed: “Soul in English usage at the present time conveys usually a very different meaning from נפש [neʹphesh] in Hebrew, and it is easy for the incautious reader to misinterpret.”
More recently, when The Jewish Publication Society of America issued a new translation of the Torah, or first five books of the Bible, the editor-in-chief, H. M. Orlinsky of Hebrew Union College, stated that the word “soul” had been virtually eliminated from this translation because, “the Hebrew word in question here is ‘Nefesh.’” He added: “Other translators have interpreted it to mean ‘soul,’ which is completely inaccurate. The Bible does not say we have a soul. ‘Nefesh’ is the person himself, his need for food, the very blood in his veins, his being.”—The New York Times, October 12, 1962.
— As is NOW happening, WHY are all of the lies and evil being exposed? Because we are told in the Bible that ALL evil will be openly exposed before the end begins so that the people have no excuse for not recognizing what is going on AND how bad rule by men truly is. Personally, I have never voted; I will not vote for corruption. Why is there so much corruption in ALL human governments? Satan selects all who serve in human governments; go ahead, read it in your own Bible; Luke 4:1-8. Corruption cannot occur under the direction of the Almighty, but most people have rejected such direction and instead turn to Satan for guidance through the so-called Christian churches that Satan controls – if you have questions about this, please email me for further information. In what is now a very short time, you will see how well that works out for such churches AND ‘persons’. If you have questions, please ask, or email me for more information; If you wish, I can also direct you in how to request a home Bible study course that is free.
Kamala says, keep them coming, we can afford them, send them to my house. Were fed up with this bullshit invasion, people have no place to go or work, what the hell do u expect them to do. That’s right, it’s your problem, we pay for all that. Fk this president, vice president, and administration for breaking our laws and allowing, this to happen and destroy America. Wake the hell up America, this needs to stop, now.
Illegal aliens aren’t supposed to be dumped at wealthy liberal politician’s residences. Oh no, not that. They’re supposed to be dumped off in poorer neighborhoods so us peasants can deal with the resultant crime. These aliens don’t speak English and have no useful skills. Many are illiterate in their own language. They have no respect for America, no respect for our laws, and no respect for us. Send ’em back, pronto.
OK, which house, the one in DC or the one in Brentwood, CA. Now that would be something to see Illegals roaming the streets of Brentwood Millionaires. They’d have a meltdown like no other. Paybacks are a B- itch!
I concur !
I hope she has enough beds and pillows for all of them…
Sounds fair to me!!
Soul — The original-language terms (Heb., neʹphesh [נֶפֶשׁ]; Gr., psy·kheʹ [ψυχή]) as used in the Scriptures show “soul” to be a person, an animal, or the life that a person or an animal enjoys.
The connotations that the English “soul” commonly carries in the minds of most persons are not in agreement with the meaning of the Hebrew and Greek words as used by the inspired Bible writers. This fact has steadily gained wider acknowledgment. Back in 1897, in the Journal of Biblical Literature (Vol. XVI, p. 30), Professor C. A. Briggs, as a result of detailed analysis of the use of neʹphesh, observed: “Soul in English usage at the present time conveys usually a very different meaning from נפש [neʹphesh] in Hebrew, and it is easy for the incautious reader to misinterpret.”
More recently, when The Jewish Publication Society of America issued a new translation of the Torah, or first five books of the Bible, the editor-in-chief, H. M. Orlinsky of Hebrew Union College, stated that the word “soul” had been virtually eliminated from this translation because, “the Hebrew word in question here is ‘Nefesh.’” He added: “Other translators have interpreted it to mean ‘soul,’ which is completely inaccurate. The Bible does not say we have a soul. ‘Nefesh’ is the person himself, his need for food, the very blood in his veins, his being.”—The New York Times, October 12, 1962.
— As is NOW happening, WHY are all of the lies and evil being exposed? Because we are told in the Bible that ALL evil will be openly exposed before the end begins so that the people have no excuse for not recognizing what is going on AND how bad rule by men truly is. Personally, I have never voted; I will not vote for corruption. Why is there so much corruption in ALL human governments? Satan selects all who serve in human governments; go ahead, read it in your own Bible; Luke 4:1-8. Corruption cannot occur under the direction of the Almighty, but most people have rejected such direction and instead turn to Satan for guidance through the so-called Christian churches that Satan controls – if you have questions about this, please email me for further information. In what is now a very short time, you will see how well that works out for such churches AND ‘persons’. If you have questions, please ask, or email me for more information; If you wish, I can also direct you in how to request a home Bible study course that is free.
Kamala says, keep them coming, we can afford them, send them to my house. Were fed up with this bullshit invasion, people have no place to go or work, what the hell do u expect them to do. That’s right, it’s your problem, we pay for all that. Fk this president, vice president, and administration for breaking our laws and allowing, this to happen and destroy America. Wake the hell up America, this needs to stop, now.