This is the SECOND time the democrats have pulled the beyonce hoax
Just voted for the first time in Ohio. I’m 19 and trump is my first pick for president!
This is the SECOND time the democrats have pulled the beyonce hoax
Just voted for the first time in Ohio. I’m 19 and trump is my first pick for president!
Harris and all Libraturds are Congenital Liars thats Kamala 100%
What can they expect lying is what she does daily.
Congrats to the 19-year old Ohioan who voted for Trump, the winning team. Trump is someone you can be proud of and you won’t regret ever. Welcome to fellow Trumpers and Make America Great Again!
Proud? Proud to vote for the man who wants to tank the economy, destroy women’s bodily autonomy, deport practically everybody working in agriculture so that there will be no food no matter what the prices are . . . . I don’t know what to think about you people; are you all Russian bots?
Exactly where do you get this? Apparently you’ve forgotten that Trump was already in office, and the results were just the opposite. The economy was strong, no new wars, gas was half what it is now, and although he had the evidence and the law behind him, he did not prosecute his rivals. As he put it doing that would hurt the country.
Contrary to your rant, almost 3 million foreigners immigrated to the US, every year Trump was President. He’s never been against immigration, he’s against illegal immigration’s. ( try entering Mexico illegally, youyfirst get a prison sentence, then be deported. Every country does the same or worse, look it up). Every President since FDR was against illegal immigration’s, in fact, Truman cancelled Mexican work visas, saying the soldiers were coming home and they needed the jobs.
I used to think like you, that immigrants were the only ones to do the job, until I moved to an area, with very few immigrants. Guess what, I never had a problem filling a Job opening. It was a major farming area, and there was never a time they had a shortage of workers. That’s a lie that’s fed to the brainwashed.
Now let’s see what you’re missing. Since Biden/ Harris, inflation reached a 40 year high. No it wasn’t inherited from Trump,?it was 2 years later. Inflation went from 1.9% to a steady 3.5%, at times higher. Trump has had every dirty lie thrown at him, including attempting to murder him. The DOJ works for Biden/Harris, so there is no way they’re just allowing the cases against him fall. It’s because they had no substance from the very beginning, it as silly to destroy his reputation. It backfired, because most people aren’t stupid and saw through the lies.
There is no evidence or fact to back your claim, there are facts to totally debunk them.
You have the right to hate Trump, but pushing lies is morally reprehensible.
Too bad for you. Being Fat, Ugly, ignorant and Democrap is no way to go through life!
She’ll lie about a free concert, they should know she’s lieing about everything else.
People were dancing. It’s kinda hard to “boo” while you’re dancing. Also, who said it was billed as a “Beyonce concert”? Everybody knew it was a Harris rally. Trump has lost and you know it.
Expressing her right to express.
I find it interesting people have a hard time learning history.
History ALWAYS repeats itself.
They must have been absent that day.
The boos were very clear, but you’re right, it was a Harris rally, so there would logically be a majority of supporters. That doesn’t make the incident false. What it does do, is make, at least me, want more info, because if it turns out to be true, that would mean, her campaign needed to trick the crowds in. But, just as you would be jumping to conclusions with so little to go on, I would also. That’s why to be an intelligent voter, you do your research, you seek out the truth. Here’s a a little fact that may help. We shouldn’t pick our representatives because we think they look or sound good, but on their ability to do the job. It is not a popularity or beauty contest. It not a requirement to personally like the person in office. The only requirement is will they do the job, are they strong enough to buck the system to get that job done? What the say or how they say it, is not the criteria, building, and protecting the people and country is.