Kash Patel Fires Back At Richard Blumenthal After Being Told ‘You Failed’ Your First Test



Hard to believe some folks actually call these people leaders

They’re begging for protection for their own crime. Its so hilarious


    • Kaye, quit panicking over every little thing Trump does.. He has more information than we do, he knows what is going on, and he knows the strategies to make deals!! He has done this his entire life. You know things like keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

      But more important he is working for the United States, and we the people to do this by upholding the Constitution and the Bill of rights!

      We are Not a Democracy, like Biden and the Dems keep wanting us to be! We are a Contitutional REPUBLIC. THAT IS what the founding Fathers created us to be by having a Constitution and a Bill of Rights! Look up the difference! It is startling!
      So glad Trump is destroying the Democrats Democracy! (Power)

      Biden, (or whoever was in charge during his administration, Obama, Soros, China, Dems) came very close to destroying us, so it is going to take a while to get back on track, barring anymore created surprises from the Dems! like Covid, insiting people to riots by their lies, and fear mongering, to burn down cities, turning their FBI against a political opponent, calling for violence against the Supreme Court Justices, etc.

      And it is going to take some drastic decision making and Trump is the guy God put in place to do it! So stop jumping to conclusions, like the Dems, chill, sit back and wait for results.

  1. Blumenthal is a known lier and a fraud. With this as a fact, he has no creditability and anything he says or does is questionable at best.

    • He is a known liar since Vietnam is not is not in CT. He lied about being in Vietnam so why is he still there asking questions when he himself is such a liar. HE NEEDS TO GO!!!

  2. Yeah, a few years ago he made a big speech about “Illegal Immigration is wrong . . . plain and simple”. Now he is forgetfull of that speech.

  3. Blumenthal is nothing but a blow hard. When I lived in Connecticut, he was nothing but a picture hound. Had his face in everything. Never voted for him and with a cash cow wife, was how he got where he is!
    Still can’t stand the man!!@

  4. Blumenthal’s first question involved the firing of “over a dozen FBI personnel SOLELY because they worked with Jack Smith……”. The lesson to be learned by this is be careful whose political persecution you become involved in…….they may end up being President. Also, when you sit on compelling evidence, like Hunter Biden’s laptop, for years and then lie that it’s Russian propaganda, those in charge really deserve to get the boot. Good riddance to them all.

  5. Sounds like Blumenthal and probably most of the Dems are afraid Kash will find out what they have done when he gets into office! Sounds like Blumenthal was in on using the FBI to “get Trump.” Wonder if his trial is the next one we will see!

  6. Kaye, Trump is using tariffs as a cudgel to get what he wants. And it’s working. See how quickly other so-called “leaders” cave at the mere hint of tariffs.

  7. It’s been 4 years, the J6ers have been in jail long enough. Especially after being treated HORRIBLY.
    It’s PAST time they were released considering BLM and antifa MURDERED people and Beijing PEDOPHILE Biden’s administration LET THOSE MURDERERS GO.


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