Kamala’s FAKE Polls EXPOSED!!!



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Elon Musk endorsing Trump is a far bigger game changer than people give it credit for


  1. Cackling Kammy is totally incompetent and inept. The world is laughing at us for electing dopey Joe. They’ll be laughing even more if cackling Kammy gets elected. Cackling Kammy was part of dopey Joe’s failed, imbecilic, destructive policies. There’s no way she can deny it.

  2. Good News from Almighty God — What is it, EXACTLY? Jesus told us this; Luke 4:43 But he said to them: “I must also declare the good news of the Kingdom of God to other cities, because for this I was sent.” — But, what exactly IS the Good News of the Kingdom of God? Is it… salvation? Or, is it much more than salvation? It is so very much more. This verse tells us much; Psalms 37:29 The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it. – First, who are the righteous? Luke 4:44 So he (Jesus) went on preaching in the synagogues of Ju·deʹa. — The righteous are those who do not take salvation selfishly, but seek to help others just as Jesus did and ordered us to do (Matt 28:19, 20 Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.”). – NOTE; teaching them. This command is a tremendous blessing, because when you obey Jesus and TEACH the Bible to others; THAT is how you learn the Bible! BY TEACHING IT. Not by reading it.
    What else comes with salvation? Never being short of food, living forever in peace, NEVER being sick and etc. Time is short, and no one can save you; to be saved, or not, is strictly your responsibility (Gal 6:5). If you have questions, please ask, or, search out those who walk in God’s Holy Name and ask them for a FREE Bible study. They are conducting more than 10 million Bible studies world wide RIGHT NOW. Or, email me and request the link to a FREE home Bible study that you can arrange for at your convenience. This Bible study course requires no commitment. In this course, you’ll get the answers to some of life’s most important questions: Who is God? Why do suffering and evil exist? Will God ever bring an end to suffering? Or, email me at rich515151@yahoo.com with your questions. I can answer any question you may have about the Bible and I use the Bible to answer such questions.

  3. Cum-ahhh-lah is one stupid female, or itmale or they male or whatever she will refer herself as. Her rise to the top only came to a stop by the bottom of the desk she was under. My doctor once said the liberals have one thing in common they are all missing the same chemical in the brain. To all you dems out there that do actually have a brain left it might be time to switch, to the rest of you said you would leave if Trump got elected please let us know so we can hold the door open we would not like you to get hit by the door on your way out. Don’t be like the others that let us down the last time by staying we still have some CHICKEN coups open.

  4. SHE MAY BE A PSYCHOPATH BUT HER CAMPAIGN IS BEING RUN BY EXPERT PROPAGANDISTS. The Press is totally corrupt and in the ‘RAT’s pocket. Hidin’ Biden was a winning strategy. Hidin’ Harris seems to be working just as well. The Republicans may be right, but they are being outflanked.


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