Juneteenth DISASTER, no one WILL REPORT ON



Calling “Juneteenth” a real Holiday is like calling Chicago “crime free”.

As an African, I’m deeply ashamed, embarrassed and humiliatiated at this behavior in USA


  1. Good presentation and very historically accurate. Did leave out the fact that a large number of blacks were captured by the Muslims from Northern Africa and sold into slavery. There were also wars between all black tribes against one another and the losers were sold into slavery. But it’s always been the goal of the dummycrat party to put black people down and keep them down. Slavery, Jim Crow laws, KKK, and welfare. The whole purpose of the welfare act was to destroy the black family (just like what happened in the south before the Civil War) and make blacks dependent on dummycrats for their survival. “We’ll keep those n*****s (blacks) voting democrat for the next 100 years.” said dummycrat president LBJ. The welfare system is NOT designed to help anyone get out of poverty. It’s designed to keep the poor in poverty with no chance of moving up the economical ladder.
    Dummycrat LBJ also set up an unfair draft that was designed to make poor young males (mostly black) be the bullet stoppers during the Viet Nam War while upper middle class and rich young males could go to college (mostly white) instead. The big riots on the colleges didn’t start until the draft was changed and EVERYONE had to go into the military.
    It was a republican president who won the Civil War and signed the document ending slavery. It was a republican president who ENDED the hopeless Viet Nam War for the U.S.A. But yet it was a dummycrat who shot Lincoln and it was the dummycrats who forced Nixon out of office AFTER the U.S.A. left Viet Nam, then they starved South Viet Nam of military funds to fight the communist North Viet Nam which the war ended as a victory for communism. Which proves dummycrats wish to enslave EVERYONE and embrace communism. Now they even call themselves dummycrat-socialist. Socialism IS communism. Just ask a Russian. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.


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