I live in NY and worked in NYC for decades, taking the subway daily. Over those years I broke up fights, got involved trying to help people or de-escalating violent situations and had weapons pulled more than once (never a gun thank goodness). These days, aside from the fact I am old and out of shape, I don’t think I would ever get involved. Criminals are treated like victims and Samaritans are treated like criminals, meanwhile victims are ignored. I would be too afraid these days I’d end up in cuffs. I won’t even visit NYC any more and honestly that is really upsetting to me.
Bragg should be disbarred at the very least. He’s done absolutely nothing positive for New York and acts on political ideology rather than the pursuit of justice which is supposed to be a D.A.’s function.
This is what happens when you vote demonrat they have always been pro criminals and do not protect Americans citizens in my day they were pro drunk driver and victims be damed I am a cripple for life because they let a drunk driver out of jail so that they can hurt some else I was this drunk drivers 4th victim caused by demonrat policy a car is a terrorist preferred weapon and should be delts as one because a car is as dangerous as a gun or a knife