Joe Rogan Sees Something in College Protests That No One Else Sees



Have you ever noticed how Hollywood has 1 million movies that are anti-Hitler, etc. but absolutely zero about Mao, Stalin or Lenin?

I worked in 2 sectors of the government and retired from one.

Your enemies are not overseas. I promise you


  1. The news media and Hollywood haven’t been on OUR side since the beginning of the Korean War. My dad used to say, ” they are all turning against America”. And when the Iron Curtain came down in 1991, Communism found a new home in our DNC and Hollywood. As well as the Corrupted News Media

  2. no one and I mean no one is looking at the elephant in the room
    Social media
    Google, Facebook, WEF, Soros & Iran and Islam are a greater influence then the CCP and Russia
    The Media tell you what to think and who to hate
    Everyone of you are falling for the bate
    Now I do not trust the CCP but we have a left leaning party that if more fare dangerous then all put together
    do your home work you will see I’m not wrong

    • Agreed. When cell phones came out and computers started taking over, I saw the handwriting on the wall and did not fall for it. I do have a flip phone, calls in, calls out and a desktop computer, I see people who can’t get out of their car after parking without sitting there checking their phones. All of a sudden that thing has become a “golden idol”. Not for me. I am a watcher and I watch my back at all times.

  3. Correct. Our enemies aren’t overseas. They’re right here. Our country is being destroyed from within. Putin and Jinping can sit back and watch it happen.

  4. this is why every single college should stop receiving any government money. watch now fast they become capitalist when the money dries up.

    • Gabe, I don’t see why the taxpayer’s money is going to these snooty colleges and Biden is handing over our hard-earned money to pay off student loans. Government loves socialism but they like the money in their pockets that hard working people earn. They have endowments of billions of dollars and still get taxpayers money. How’s that right in any way.


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