Internet SAVAGES Jill Biden After Shocking ‘ELDER ABUSE’ Video at Debate: ‘She’s is so EVIL’



my grandfather is 93 and would run circles around biden.

There are no excuses for Afghanistan debacle!! Marines for Trump!!


  1. Jill was abused by Joe Biden as a teenager. Jill married the guy, and she has no life. It’s all about him. Frankly, no one else would have any more patience for the total B.S. that Dementia Joe represents. America is the laughing stock of the world. Joe needs three full time nurses.

    • I am a nurse, and Susan you’re correct he does need home care or convulsant care. His age has nothing to do with it. My mom was 98 years old when she passed and would be able to converse with anyone at any age. It has to do with his mental state, and i noticed it when he became President. What the hell is wrong with these people in the WH? Biden could not be trusted taking care of any situation. Can you imagine having a nurse or a doctor in his condition? That’s insane!! It’s all about their political power. His wife Jill should be ashamed of herself and yes that’s elder abuse. Period!! I would never do that to any of my family member. Everyone around the world is wondering what the hell is going on in America. He should never have been in that position, but it’s because of power! It’s sad and embarrassing. and a severe threat for this United States. My question is. who is running the country.

  2. I am an 84 year old woman and still have all my faculties, I’m a bit slower, but could still run circles around Joe. I think they keep putting him out there to get the “ pity vote” for him. There is NO way he is capable of bieng president, an d they know it, but they keep gaslighting us trying to make us believe otherwise! Shame on Jill, SHE wants the power, he has NO clue!

      • Patty’s spelling has nothing to do her age. I am a nurse, and i have seen words being misspelled by young people. Just a spelling error. My grandmother was 98 years old and could hold an intelligent conversation with any age group. The mental state of the individual is more important than their age.

    • Hey, Badman, tell us how you really feel! Seriously, though, I couldn’t agree more. Although I have another twist on the situation. What if his dementia is fake, and it is being done deliberately to tank this country? That would make Crazy Uncle Joey the most Oscarworthy actor in American history (apologies to Reagan, a real actor and a true statesman). And Jill would be worthy of a Best Supporting Actress nomination. But either way, whether she is the evil mastermind of a cruel plot to exploit her genuinely ill husband for her own political gain or an unbelievably talented actress in a plot masterminded by Joe himself intended to publicly embarrass the US on the world stage and bilk the American people, there is serious evil going on in the White House that needs to be fully exposed and dealt with as soon as possible.

  3. Age has little to nothing to do with Joe’s condition. My husband was in his 50s when it started with him, and 12 years later it took his life. Joe’s problem is senility, and it is advancing quite rapidly. Jill should be ashamed.


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