HIGH ALERT! NATO Just Crossed Putin’s Red Line with this Massive Attack | Redacted w Clayton Morris



We, the American people, want NO PART of any war, period!!!

Before going to bed, my wife complained to me: “This Russia is such a bad country, if Ukraine wants to join NATO, that is their business and freedom, Russia has no right to intervene. This is just an excuse for Russia to attack Ukraine.” I said nothing, got out of bed and went to the kitchen, before returning to bed with knife in hand. I said to my wife: “Let’s go to sleep” When she saw the knife, my wife suddenly sat up and looked at me with wide eyes. “What are you doing? Sleeping with a knife?!” she exclaimed. I replied, “Don’t worry, let’s go to sleep. Besides, sleeping with a knife is none of your business and that’s my freedom.” My wife said to me: “You’re crazy! How can I sleep when you’re lying next to me with a knife? What if you accidentally cut me?” I answered: “Well, you don’t even trust your own husband, how can you expect Russia to trust Ukraine?” Sleeping with a knife is like Ukraine joining NATO.”


  1. Bible proven correct AGAIN: (There are NO failed prophecies in the Bible; ALL 1804 Bible prophecies have been fulfilled perfectly up to now.) Jeremiah 10:23 I well know, O Jehovah, that man’s way does not belong to him. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. Jesus told us about God’s word; ALL of John 17 is a prayer that Jesus spoke the day before he was killed. In that prayer we are told; John 17:17 Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth. 18 Just as you sent me into the world, I also sent them into the world. 19 And I am sanctifying myself in their behalf, so that they also may be sanctified by means of truth. – You are sanctified by the Truth, which is the Bible (His word), when you study the Bible AND put into practice what you learn from the Bible in your own life. And perhaps the most important lesson is obedience. THAT is YOUR responsibility; to obey our NOW ruling king Jesus (Matt 28:18-20). PLEASE remember; why did Adam die? The same will be true for those who NOW fail to obey our ruling king Jesus; obedience is NOT an option if you desire everlasting life as is promised in His Word. If you have a question about this OR about the Bible, PLEASE ask or email me; rich515151@yahoo.com. REMEMBER always that shortly; The wicked will be no more.—Ps. 37:10 and this is a promise from Almighty Jehovah God. I can also direct you to a FREE Bible study course to be conducted in your own home if you have a desire to learn more. Please request the link to the study course via email.

  2. Ukraine is not our fight. Why are we involved in this? Ukraine is of no vital interest to us. Ukraine was always part of Russia. What’s next? Will our “leaders” send US troops in? This is how LBJ started the Vietnam fiasco.

  3. Your wife should have gotten up and went and got a gun and brought that to bed and told you go ahead Russia invade my space like you did the UKRAINE. I have no idea where you’re coming from, but everyone knows that Russia will not stop at Ukraine and Putin has already said this. How many more war crimes are you willing to sit and watch him commit genocide ? It’s give the Ukraine what they need, or you can send your children and their children to war in the future.

    • What Ukraine needs is a good kick in the ass!!!! It is the west including the US that is fomenting the seeds of war and the Biden administration to deflect from their own crimes!!!! American taxpayers are the one’s who are are being sacrificed and bankrupted for something that is none of our business. The USA is being actively invaded by what was at first an insidious invasion on our southern border that has now become a hostile INVASION. Russia is not stupid like the rest of Europe to think this is a good thing. Tell me, Jack when Mexico takes over Texas, AZ, CA, NV and NM which has been going on for the last 70 yrs how would the US react if the likes of Russia and eastern Europe reacted the same towards us?????? We fought a war with Mexico and Mexico was a Nazi ally be careful what you preach OUR ENEMY IS CLOSER THAN YOU THINK AND IT IS NOT RUSSIA!!!!!

  4. The reason Putin invaded Ukraine is because he didn’t want NATO missiles on his doorstep aimed at Russia. That shouldn’t be too difficult to understand. We didn’t like it when Russia had missiles in Cuba, aimed at the US mainland in 1962. Ah yes, I remember it well. Do not believe all the hysteria about Putin not stopping at Ukraine. It’s simply designed to scare us and justify a useless war in Ukraine.

  5. Barb, I agree with you wholeheartedly. America is being invaded because of dopey Joe Biden’s imbecilic “open border” policy. We don’t have to worry about terrorists entering America – they’re already here!!! When do we deport these freeloaders? Mexico is not our friend!!! Instead, dopey Joe pours billions of US dollars into a useless war in Ukraine. Duh.

  6. Let’s stop all the imbecilic talk about the husband taking a knife to bed and the wife fetching a gun. That sounds like a very toxic, dangerous household. If the couple live in NY State, the wife probably wouldn’t be able to obtain a pistol permit anyway.

  7. Anita Dunn, Barack Obama and few others are the primary folks pulling the strings for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to do the dancing and all of this is being overseen by George Soros and other money folks to force GLOBALISM on the USA.

  8. Charles, you are correct. Dopey Joe isn’t the real president. He’s a brain-dead puppet while others pull his strings. Jill, Hunter, Obummer, queen Nancy and Schmuck Schumer are running the Dopey Joe Show. They will continue to run the show if cackling Kamala gets elected. Cackling Kamala is a zero. Her IQ isn’t much higher than her shoe size. Heaven forbid that she becomes the cackler-in-chief.


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