Gavin Newsom is officially COOKED lol



The Dems look for reasons to be offended. I look for ways to annoy them. It’s a team effort. Vote Trump 2024. Done!

I hate that man, we've tried recalling him like 3 times and Greasy Gavin always slips through to continue ruining our once great state.


    • Yes and I hope people realize this before the democrats slip him in in place of Biden, because they know Biden is toast!

  1. CA. deserves gavin as they vote for him. Yes he is a lying scumbag but
    liberals love him. America has become a CESSPOOL OF DEGENERATES!!

    Just truth and I will check to see if my comments are allowed.

  2. I agree with you, Janet. Greasy Gavin trashed California, now he wants to trash the rest of the country. The scary part is, a lot of idiots will vote for him if he runs for el presidente.

  3. gavin newson is proof of he democrats voter fraud.
    the process is:
    send out ballots,
    print up pre-fill ballots,
    wait for ballots to be returned,
    toss out republican votes,
    replace with pre-fulled ballots,
    democrats win.

    California has 35% retail space vacancy. that is depression era level. democrats have completely destroyed california.

    too bad Californian’s are too stupid to end democrat support.

    Here is the process to end most homelessness.

    1. build a massive mental health facility (maybe a closed prison refurbished).
    2. build training centers for trades with housing, food, and rules.
    3. buy an bunch of high pressure street cleaning trucks with garbage scooping and hauling capability.
    4. hire an large number of building cleaning and landscape companies.
    5. go through each city with cops, psychiatrists, and social workers sorting out the mentally ill and substance addicted, hiding criminals, and the true homeless.
    6. dispatch them to the designated facility.
    7. follow them within an hour with the street cleaner/garbage clean up.
    8. follow that within an hour with the building cleaning and repair crews
    9. follow that the next day with the landscaping crews
    10. put up cameras in that area and as soon as a home person shows up send out cops to arrest them.

    california is spending billions of dollars and solving nothing. doing the above would solve the problem. go through 30 cities a year and before long you have the place cleaned up.

    if you wanted to solve California’s economic issues that is easy too.

    stop voting for democrats at any level. economic problem will be solved in 4 years.

    • Gabe, if you are in California and are a republican you should run for Gov. because you sound like you’ve got it figured out, only thing is there is $20 billion dollars that seems to have gone poof, maybe hire a really good bookkeeper in the cesspool.

    • Gabe, your approach is too pragmatic and it is against the Dem’s ideology. Just look what Joe Bribedem has done to our Southern border. Democrats always have a nefarious agenda that benefits them and enables them to remain in power. All the while telling the people that what they’re doing is for their benefit. California’s Prop 1 aims to reduce homelessness by changing how money is spent on housing and mental health just barely passed -50.2% for — 49.8% against – surprise, surprise. Who benefitted from it passing? Special interest groups and developers. The unaccounted $20 billion is not enough for whoever benefits from it because with inflation the way it is, $20 billion doesn’t go as far as it used to.

    • One state at a time is being destroyed at the hands of socialists and their democratic cronies, just look at the scum they keep electing and reelecting, they just can’t get off the plantation out there in that hellhole, that once was so beautiful and wealthy.

  4. I was born, raised, schooled and worked my entire working life in California. As a boy growing up in the 1930s Southern California was like living in paradise. During my working years I saw and experienced so many changes that were not for the better and when I retired I realized it was no longer home and got the hell out of there. Though Newsom wasn’t governor when I was there he’s a good example of the changes I mentioned. Newsom is a wannabe dictator. Personally, I feel he’s just waiting in the wings to be begged to replace Biden. If what I truly feel will happen, with all the fraud, our once free nation will be totally finished. And as for the once Golden State, when I retired I ended up in Arizona and have no plans to ever return to Commiefornia. The people in that state had a chance to get rid of Newsom but kept that crook when he was recalled. They’re getting exactly what they deserve.

  5. We’ll never get rid of him or “Biden” it’s a rigged situation. The Hollywood (sickos) Elites, will make sure their pockets are lined ! When is America going to wake up to the “Fact” ⁉️ If we “don’t” do something quick, not only California , but the USA, IS DOOMED! Stop feeding the rich, boycott Hollywood and the media💲💲 It’s the only thing they comprehend is”Profit and Control”. “WE THE PEOPLE” SHOULD BE PRIORITY ❗🇺🇸🇺🇸❗😡BUT, WE MUST MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN “TOGETHER” ❗❗🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸

    • If the supposed 81 million votes got Bribedem “elected”, can you imagine what only 1 million would have gotten us?

  6. Newsom is a sho-in……”Homeless alcoholics are receiving alcohol on the taxpayer’s dime in San Francisco, California, to the tune of $5 million every year, according to multiple outlets, including the U.K.’s Daily Mail and the San Francisco Chronicle.”

    “The California Department of Public Health has awarded a total of $2.3 million to a nonprofit called Gender Spectrum for activities such as developing “concrete strategies for applying the lens of gender diversity to school practices.” This is according to an investigation from the watchdog group OpenTheBooks.”

    “According to a report, nearly half of San Francisco’s commercial sidewalks in 2021 and 2022 had excrement on them, according to a study just issued by the city’s Controller’s office.”

    “Nearly three times as many people died from accidental drug overdoses in San Francisco in 2020 than from the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, according to preliminary data released by the city’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.”

    “Under an agreement between Gov. Gavin Newsom and Democrats in the state legislature, low-income adults between the ages of 19 and 25 living in California illegally would be eligible for California’s Medicaid program, known as Medi-Cal. The deal emerged as part of a broader $213 billion budget. The plan would take effect in January 2020, the Sacramento Bee reported.”

    “Once again, California was ranked as the worst state in the country for businesses by Chief Executive magazine. The Golden State also fell to the bottom of the list last year. Chief Executive surveyed 513 CEOs across the nation on what states have the most business-friendly tax and regulatory regimes, quality of workforce and quality of living environment.”

    A recently released study by Spectrum Locations Solutions estimates that over the last seven years, 9,000 business have either divested in California, or, while maintaining their headquarters here, have chosen to expand elsewhere.”

    The number of Californians leaving the state and moving to Texas is at its highest level in nearly a decade, according to data from the Internal Revenue Service. According to IRS migration data, which uses individual income tax returns to record year-to-year address changes, over 250,000 California residents moved out of the state.”

    “San Bernardino County District Attorney Mike Ramos reveals that last month the California parole board granted releases to six men convicted of murder in his county.”

    “SAN FRANCISCO – Nearly 1,400 lifers in California’s prisons have been released over the past three years — a sharp turnaround in a state where murderers and others sentenced to life with the possibility of parole almost never got out.

    “A hit-and-run crash occurs about once every 18 minutes in Los Angeles, according to data analyzed by the NBC4 I-Team that illustrates the extent of a problem that has been called an “epidemic. More than 28,000 reported hit-and-run crashes occurred over a widespread area of the county at an alarming rate and 50 percent of all incidents in Los Angeles County are hit-and-run cases.”

    “It’s common knowledge that San Francisco has a serious homelessness problem. Estimates of the size of the city’s street bound population vary between 6,000 and 10,000, depending on the source. Since the city slashed funding for Parks and Recreation in 2009, there’s a distinct shortage of working public bathrooms. And that led to a spike in reports of public pooping to the city’s 311 help line.”

    “Diseases once linked to the squalor of medieval living are back with a vengeance in California and other states with experts linking the diseases’ rise to an increase in the homeless population. Fleas on rats are key to the spread of typhus. A typhus outbreak recently led to the closing of City Hall in Los Angeles amid concerns of rats in the building, the Atlantic reported.”

    “SACRAMENTO — The state’s welfare program: California has one-third of the nation’s welfare recipients. That California has a lot of people on welfare was not a secret. In addition to its size, the state has a long history of heavy focus on social services, in part because of years of Democratic dominance in Sacramento.”

    “High-speed rail continues to be an expensive, sick joke for California. Under the current plan, it is no longer “high-speed” and projected costs, which seem to change almost daily, appear to be doubling. In the latest news, the nascent California high-speed rail system is running $50 million over budget for a two mile stretch in Fresno. Let that sink in for a moment.$50 million, over budget, for just a two mile stretch. They haven’t even figured in rail stock, maintenance, union wages and benefits!”

    “California voters’ decision to reduce penalties for drug and property crimes in 2014 contributed to a jump in car burglaries, shoplifting and other theft, researchers reported. Larcenies increased about 9 percent by 2016, or about 135 more thefts per 100,000 residents than if tougher penalties had remained, according to results of a study by the nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California released Tuesday. Thefts from motor vehicles accounted for about three-quarters of the increase.”

    “Proposition 30 was passed by voters in 2012. It increased the personal income tax through 2018 on California residents with incomes over $250,000.The tax has generated $6 billion to $7 billion annually. Prop. 30 was creatively advertised and sold to the voters by a union, the California Teachers Association, which depicted it as a “temporary” tax to support public schools.”

    “The wealthiest Californians will continue to pay higher income taxes as voters look to have approved Proposition 55. In returns as of late Tuesday night, the measure led with more than 61% of votes counted. “California voters have once again stood up for our children and schools in approving Proposition 55 to protect critical funding for education and keep vital services intact,” Jennifer Wonnacott, spokeswoman for Yes on 55, said in a statement.” “Most Californians would be surprised to learn that 100 percent of education’s share of the tax increases will go to pensions instead of classrooms. But that would be no surprise to longtime observers of the California State Teachers’ Retirement System, which administers teacher pensions.”

    “As most people are now painfully aware, California’s progressive political majority has just hit middle-class taxpayers with billions of dollars in new taxes. As a direct result of these actions, the state will soon have the distinction of having the highest taxes in the nation in the following categories: Highest income tax rate; highest state sales tax rate; highest vehicle tax; and the highest gas tax (and that doesn’t even include the added costs of cap-and-trade regulation. A recent ballot initiative, Prop. 6, to rescind this tax and spend over reach was voted down by the feckless voters.”

    “California students score at bottom of nation in reading, math!-By Sharon Noguchi-California students continue to score near the bottom among states in math and reading, according to results of a national test released Thursday. The Golden State’s fourth-graders ranked 47th in the nation in both math and reading. Eighth-graders ranked 45th in math and 42nd in reading. And the scores show that the gap separating white students from their black and Latino peers in English and math is bigger in California than it is nationwide.”

    “Endorsing efforts to impose a parcel tax on property owners to support parks — parks that have been purposely ignored in the Los Angeles County general fund budget — Supervisor Hilda Solis trivialized the tax saying, “I proudly support taxing and spending,” she added.”

    “Californians bear an enormous fiscal burden as a result of an illegal alien population estimated at almost 3 million residents. The annual expenditure of state and local tax dollars on services for that population is $25.3 billion. That total amounts to a yearly burden of about $2,370 for a household headed by a U.S. citizen. “Nearly half of those expenditures ($12.3 billion) result from the costs of K-12 education for the children of illegal aliens — both those illegally in the country and those born in the United States. Another major outlay ($2.1 billion) results from the need to provide supplemental English language instruction to Limited English Proficient students, many of whom are children of illegal aliens. Together, these educational costs are 57.1 percent of total expenditures.”

    “Homeless alcoholics are receiving alcohol on the taxpayer’s dime in San Francisco, California, to the tune of $5 million every year, according to multiple outlets, including the U.K.’s Daily Mail and the San Francisco Chronicle.”

    “The California Department of Public Health has awarded a total of $2.3 million to a nonprofit called Gender Spectrum for activities such as developing “concrete strategies for applying the lens of gender diversity to school practices.” This is according to an investigation from the watchdog group OpenTheBooks.”

    “According to a report, nearly half of San Francisco’s commercial sidewalks in 2021 and 2022 had excrement on them, according to a study just issued by the city’s Controller’s office.”

    “Nearly three times as many people died from accidental drug overdoses in San Francisco in 2020 than from the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, according to preliminary data released by the city’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.”

    “Under an agreement between Gov. Gavin Newsom and Democrats in the state legislature, low-income adults between the ages of 19 and 25 living in California illegally would be eligible for California’s Medicaid program, known as Medi-Cal. The deal emerged as part of a broader $213 billion budget. The plan would take effect in January 2020, the Sacramento Bee reported.”

    “Once again, California was ranked as the worst state in the country for businesses by Chief Executive magazine. The Golden State also fell to the bottom of the list last year. Chief Executive surveyed 513 CEOs across the nation on what states have the most business-friendly tax and regulatory regimes, quality of workforce and quality of living environment.”

    A recently released study by Spectrum Locations Solutions estimates that over the last seven years, 9,000 business have either divested in California, or, while maintaining their headquarters here, have chosen to expand elsewhere.”

    The number of Californians leaving the state and moving to Texas is at its highest level in nearly a decade, according to data from the Internal Revenue Service. According to IRS migration data, which uses individual income tax returns to record year-to-year address changes, over 250,000 California residents moved out of the state.”

    “San Bernardino County District Attorney Mike Ramos reveals that last month the California parole board granted releases to six men convicted of murder in his county.”

    “SAN FRANCISCO – Nearly 1,400 lifers in California’s prisons have been released over the past three years — a sharp turnaround in a state where murderers and others sentenced to life with the possibility of parole almost never got out.

    “A hit-and-run crash occurs about once every 18 minutes in Los Angeles, according to data analyzed by the NBC4 I-Team that illustrates the extent of a problem that has been called an “epidemic. More than 28,000 reported hit-and-run crashes occurred over a widespread area of the county at an alarming rate and 50 percent of all incidents in Los Angeles County are hit-and-run cases.”

    “It’s common knowledge that San Francisco has a serious homelessness problem. Estimates of the size of the city’s street bound population vary between 6,000 and 10,000, depending on the source. Since the city slashed funding for Parks and Recreation in 2009, there’s a distinct shortage of working public bathrooms. And that led to a spike in reports of public pooping to the city’s 311 help line.”

    “Diseases once linked to the squalor of medieval living are back with a vengeance in California and other states with experts linking the diseases’ rise to an increase in the homeless population. Fleas on rats are key to the spread of typhus. A typhus outbreak recently led to the closing of City Hall in Los Angeles amid concerns of rats in the building, the Atlantic reported.”

    “SACRAMENTO — The state’s welfare program: California has one-third of the nation’s welfare recipients. That California has a lot of people on welfare was not a secret. In addition to its size, the state has a long history of heavy focus on social services, in part because of years of Democratic dominance in Sacramento.”

    “High-speed rail continues to be an expensive, sick joke for California. Under the current plan, it is no longer “high-speed” and projected costs, which seem to change almost daily, appear to be doubling. In the latest news, the nascent California high-speed rail system is running $50 million over budget for a two mile stretch in Fresno. Let that sink in for a moment.$50 million, over budget, for just a two mile stretch. They haven’t even figured in rail stock, maintenance, union wages and benefits!”

    “California voters’ decision to reduce penalties for drug and property crimes in 2014 contributed to a jump in car burglaries, shoplifting and other theft, researchers reported. Larcenies increased about 9 percent by 2016, or about 135 more thefts per 100,000 residents than if tougher penalties had remained, according to results of a study by the nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California released Tuesday. Thefts from motor vehicles accounted for about three-quarters of the increase.”

    “Proposition 30 was passed by voters in 2012. It increased the personal income tax through 2018 on California residents with incomes over $250,000.The tax has generated $6 billion to $7 billion annually. Prop. 30 was creatively advertised and sold to the voters by a union, the California Teachers Association, which depicted it as a “temporary” tax to support public schools.”

    “The wealthiest Californians will continue to pay higher income taxes as voters look to have approved Proposition 55. In returns as of late Tuesday night, the measure led with more than 61% of votes counted. “California voters have once again stood up for our children and schools in approving Proposition 55 to protect critical funding for education and keep vital services intact,” Jennifer Wonnacott, spokeswoman for Yes on 55, said in a statement.” “Most Californians would be surprised to learn that 100 percent of education’s share of the tax increases will go to pensions instead of classrooms. But that would be no surprise to longtime observers of the California State Teachers’ Retirement System, which administers teacher pensions.”

    “As most people are now painfully aware, California’s progressive political majority has just hit middle-class taxpayers with billions of dollars in new taxes. As a direct result of these actions, the state will soon have the distinction of having the highest taxes in the nation in the following categories: Highest income tax rate; highest state sales tax rate; highest vehicle tax; and the highest gas tax (and that doesn’t even include the added costs of cap-and-trade regulation. A recent ballot initiative, Prop. 6, to rescind this tax and spend over reach was voted down by the feckless voters.”

    “California students score at bottom of nation in reading, math!-By Sharon Noguchi

    California students continue to score near the bottom among states in math and reading, according to results of a national test released Thursday. The Golden State’s fourth-graders ranked 47th in the nation in both math and reading. Eighth-graders ranked 45th in math and 42nd in reading. And the scores show that the gap separating white students from their black and Latino peers in English and math is bigger in California than it is nationwide.”

    “Endorsing efforts to impose a parcel tax on property owners to support parks — parks that have been purposely ignored in the Los Angeles County general fund budget — Supervisor Hilda Solis trivialized the tax saying, “I proudly support taxing and spending,” she added.”

    “Californians bear an enormous fiscal burden as a result of an illegal alien population estimated at almost 3 million residents. The annual expenditure of state and local tax dollars on services for that population is $25.3 billion. That total amounts to a yearly burden of about $2,370 for a household headed by a U.S. citizen. “Nearly half of those expenditures ($12.3 billion) result from the costs of K-12 education for the children of illegal aliens — both those illegally in the country and those born in the United States. Another major outlay ($2.1 billion) results from the need to provide supplemental English language instruction to Limited English Proficient students, many of whom are children of illegal aliens. Together, these educational costs are 57.1 percent of total expenditures.”

    • WOW, you’ve really got your finger on it. Pity people don’t get it. Too much back-room dealings and too many handouts. Nothing like giving an alcoholic more, and nothing like making drugs legal and free.


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