Fox News Host LOSES IT ON Biden’s Economic Advisor DEFENDING Joe Biden LYING About Inflation!



"It's not my fault"
– Biden 2024

Trump 2024 is the Soul of Freedom for America


  1. Biden’s “economic adviser” comes up with the most cock and bull stories I’ve ever heard. Cavuto has to force him to answer the question that was asked, and this guy skates the issue every damned time. He either talks talking points or circles around them. Typical on the plantation democrat.

    • Your middle school teachers must have dumbed down testing so that you could graduate.

      If you ever paid for anything with MONEY THAT YOU EARNED, you’d leave the plantation.

    • The only thing that is deranged here is your dumb a$$. Where did you get your degree idiot? WALMART! KI surprised you even know what the F word means, or do you really know? Doubtful, you Kool aid drinking fool! No wonder Bribden got elected.

  2. Biden terrible on the border. Terrible on inflation. Terrible Foreign Policy. Money mismanagement. Lied about when he took office inflation was at 9% or so. No. It was 1.4%.called MAGA a threat to Democracy. No. His bad policies, lies, and the Mainstream Media that are paid by Soros, Zuckerbucks, and Bill Gates. Trump Syndrome. After all the trials, biased media, lies about the Russian collusion. Paid for by Hillary. Who called Trump’s 2016 win illegitimate. Destroyed thousands of emails, destroyed laptop and hard drive. What is it with laptops? Gonna start charging for destroying government property. Hunter’s laptop hidden by FBI. Lies about January 6. Trump wanted the National Guard days before. Pelosi did not. After January 6 gets National Guard. They sleep on the parking garage floor. Really. Finally get to see the tapes showing people let into the Capitol. A woman prayed. Was let in. No violence. No yelling. Prayed. Gets arrested. Biden was bribed by China and Ukraine. Used aliases did not know it was him. The signed checks. Many. The phone call records. Not just a few. Plane rides to these countries together. Many. No business talking here. Pushed the Woke, CRT, DEI, and transgender policies. The Socialist, Communist agenda. Lockdowns. Lied about social distancing. Fauci lied about Gain of Function. Health Organization has been paid by American taxpayer dollars for years. I want my money back. EV’s funded through China. Disaster in Afghanistan where fellow soldiers were lied to and killed. Where is the accountability?? Irresponsibility. Not responsibility. Lies from Stormy Daniels, Jean Carroll. Does not remember day, time, what actually happened. Should be camera footage. Waits years before acknowledging it. Just happens to bring up now. What happened. Cohen already admitted nothing there. What is it with everything has not been convicted. The jails are full in every city. Some Republicans and most Democrats want to control. The Globalists, WHO, WEF, Climatists. All want every country to bow down. No. BLM and Antifa need to be held accountable for the violence, looting, burning businesses, attacking Police and civilians. Where is the Biden, DOJ, FBI. Democracy was so important. It’s a Republic. Voter ID is not voter suppression. There was voter fraud. In Washington D.C. 67,000 names were not supposed to be on ballots, another 37,000 plus were promised to be taken off, and 13,000 plus were inedible, but still on voting rolls. One city. One state. Some other states and cities ignored the necessary two year reporting. I think all this put together is a cause for a Biden, Fauci, Pelosi, Schumer, The Squad, Walters, Garland, some of the FBI, Mayorkas, Harris, Jeffries, and others to be investigated. Not even researched until Judicial Watch took the lead. Now the facts are finally being shown. Punished parents and kids with the Covid lockdowns, and then the teachers did not even want to come back. Vaccinations forced on children. Least likely to become infected. My hand hurts with all this coverup. Only The First News and NewsMax covers this. The Verdict and IMPRIMIS brochures go in depth. Check it out.


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