There is absolutely no climate emergency! None. Zero. Nada zilch

I can’t believe how fast woke is crashing and I couldn’t be happier.


    • It’s a control thing and overpopulation is just one of their claims. Abortion and transgendering is part of their solution to control the population. It’s pure evil.

    • I’m not sure if this is sarcasm but in all reality we could take everyone in the US and for them in Alaska and still have plenty of space to breath.

  1. If the WOKE is crashing and burning, it just makes my day! It’s about time. Climate change has been a hoax all along. The earth has been resetting itself for eons. We need to be better stewards of our great planet and do a better job of recycling and not dumping chemicals and other pollutants into the soil and waterways. Increase the penalties for illegal dumping and littering. There are better ways than the fanatics that are crying “the sky is falling” to enrich our planet. It needs everyone’s cooperation to do their part without the hysteria.

    • Don’t forget they need to stop poisoning us. Not just the minds but our bodies. The poisons they feed to our meat sources, the poisons they spray on our fruits and vegetables. Shame on the farmers for doing it. Someone once told me I need to thank a farmer. My response was. “For what, spraying poison all over our food so they can make a buck.” The only farmers I thank are the ones that grow fruits and veges and feed their livestock organically. Those are the only ones that deserve any type of thanks. But unfortunately they get bombarded with ridiculous fees and paperwork from our govt. the govt has not been for the people for decades. It’s time we all start coming together regardless of ideology, unite and fight the true enemies.

      • Oh and cow farts and burps aren’t the enemy, it’s the idiots that spew their climate change verbal comity to the masses. Yep, AOC actually said cow farts put out more methane than factories. I think every species on the planet farts and burps but the poor cows are the only ones getting blamed. Lmao.

  2. Sure, we can do a better job in keeping the plant cleaner. But the “nuts” behind climate change is one of the greatest shams perpetrated by humans! People have been totally brain washed on this subject, and I have noticed only 1 huge change- more multi-millionaires! That speaks for it’s self.

  3. ABSOLUTLEY get rid of Cavuto!

    he should have been removed from the hearing and held in contempt. Jail him and his attitude will change. he is not above the law just because he is a secret AGENT for BIDEN the CORUPT X-presidendte!!


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