Dr. Fauci BURST Into Tears As MTG Delivers FLAMETHROWER Beatdown LIVE On-TV: ‘You Will Go To JAIL!’



He also needs to be held for ANIMAL CRUELTY!!!!

Dr. Fauci must be held accountable NOW.


  1. That scumbag SOB needs to be held criminally accountable for all his lies! HE was “the science,” HE made all the decisions while he raked in millions of dollars from it! HANG HIM!

    And Raskin is totally a horse’s ass, and ALSO must be held accountable for HIS lies!!

  2. he needs to be held accountable for what he did. He made our lives miserable. And scared the HELL!!! out of us. Hold him accountable.

  3. I agree. He needs to be hung from the neck until dead. Unfortunately, that rotten, stinking bag of excrement won’t be punished in this lifetime. But if there’s a hereafter, I hope he feels the pain of every animal that he tortured, or signed off on torturing. He tortured animals for months, euthanized them, then disposed of their bodies so no one could see what was done to them, or how they suffered. He’s pure evil; the devil incarnate. He thought he’d force everyone to get Covid “boosters” every 6 months. Well, I didn’t get any Covid jabs and I stayed healthy.

  4. For all of you haters, you are wrong. The Dr. is an American faithful servant and you are the ones who shame our nation.

  5. Fauci is special. Very special.

    I recommend medieval tortures done very very slowly.

    He needs to suffer for a LOT of people.

    • How about the people Fauci saved from death from aids or Covid?
      This is same hearing room in Washington where future Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh cried under pressure from a woman testifying that he touched her during a College beer mixer.

      • How about ALL of the young, fit, athletes who were FORCED to take the clot shot suddenly dropping dead???

      • Go back and take a look. Fascinating FACTS . Fauci created AIDS in a lab.
        Then promised he would create VACCINE . ITS BEEN 45 YEARS !!!!
        NO VACCINE !!
        But we have thousands of THERAPEUTICS. Wonder how BIG PHARMA became BIG PHARMA.
        Only a IDIOT would take this so-called VACCINE for so-called COVID.
        Keep taking your VACCINES LBJ

        • Especially a VACCINE created in 9 months .
          NOT EVEN POSSIBLE !!!


    • He is an amazing DUMBASS that needs to be TORTURED and then HANGED !!!

      ON LIVE TELEVISION. So that we can shout HALLELUJAH and you can go back to mommy’s basement and CRY. YOU UN-AMERICAN BASTARD !!!!!

      Oh, and by the way, he is not a Doctor. He even said so himself. He claims to be a scientist. That I would agree to. A MAD SCIENTIST!!!!

      Your STUPID

  6. I have to say that as a RULE I disregard MTG, but in this case I have to commend her and applaud her, she is 100% correct, fauci is no Doctor,
    and while I am there, since when did it become acceptable for the United states government to fund biological weapons research ? and Open air testing of bio-weapons, I seem to remember the president of the united states banning such after the cattle mutilations of the fifties and sixties,
    YES AN ABSOLUTE BAN ON SUCH TESTING, WAS SIGNED BY RICHARD NIXON, and now we fund such Unethical experimentation and its funding on the taxpayer dime?

  7. If he did, they were tears of laughter. Nothing MTG said about the origin of COVID (or, for that matter, masking recommendations) was based on fact; Dr. Fauci had nothing to do with the dog abuse (he’s a virologist, not a veterinarian!).
    Misrepresentative Greene basically had a tantrum; she’s a disgrace to her office.

    • What are your credentials, Petunia, PhD in virology, transmissible diseases???
      FRAUDci’s tears were because he didn’t fleece more of the American, Guinea Pig, Lemmings or murder more of them.

      You are fit to make MTG a frikken sandwich.

    • And you are to a mirror Sandi J

      She is ABSOLUTELY SPOT ON!!!
      Do some research and find out about this BASTARD !!!!

  8. Fauci is EVIL!! But what will we do about it? Absolutely nothing. We’ll talk tough, send a sternly worded letter…..and then we’ll never hear from Fauci for another 6 months….then they’ll bring this little troll in for more fireworks…more sternly worded letters etc. We Republicans are so freakin weak.

  9. MTG!!!! Finally, a Republican who DOESN’T sit down to pee.

    There are only a small handful that deserve to shine her shoes.

  10. Not just Fakeme, how about his co conspirators? Gates, Obama, Bribden, all shared in the cost of the lab getting funded. Think of the loss of life these jack a$$e$ are responsible for! How much did they profit on the creation of the Vaccine, and everyone needs it. How many more died as a result of the vaccine?

    • Rabbit: may all those that shared in the cruel, evil covid illness & fake jab that caused all those deaths worldwide, may they be haunted by these people’s ghosts, throughout eternity.

  11. Faker Fauci is a GHOUL! He doesn’t represent true science, just HIS version of it! He should be charged with animal abuse, crimes against humanity and murder. He knew the so called vaccines were not for immunity or stopping the virus, he was well aware that masks do not keep one safe, but he kept lying to everyone! Now that Greene called him out, he has a LOT to answer for! Raskin is a jerk, he should not be in office at all! Fauci and gates both need to be in prison, they created the virus in order to “ cull the population” like gates wants, and Fauci just wants the big bucks he takes in and the notoriety he got! Time to put him in jail, have him and gates as cell mates and throw away the key!

  12. I know I already have had one response to this story, but here’s the second. Wunam labs was funded by Fauci, Gates, Obama, Biden. The lab results in the deaths of 21 million deaths worldwide, so yes we do weep for them, and you are getting what you reaped Fauci.


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