DISQUALIFYING’: Trump sounds off on Kamala Harris’ ‘dumb’ answer



I cast my vote for Trump earlier this week. MAGA

She would be a curse for this country


  1. Commielala wouldn’t do anything different, because she, like Biden, would follow the Obama agenda of destroying our country! He is running her campaign, she says what he tells her to say! She has NO ideas of her own, just his! Every speech she makes is a repeat of the canned rhetoric ad nauseum! She is way worse than Biden, and walz is compromised by China. They try to sell him as America’s dad, but it isn’t working. If possible, he is dumber than commielala, hard to do, but he is. This is the most inept evil ticket ever! We do NOT need that in our White House ! Vote MAGA all the way! Take our country back from the evil Soros/Obama cabal in charge now! Yes, Obama IS running our country through his stooge Biden! Commielala is his new stooge!

  2. I did not vote for Obama even my church did not vote for Obama we saw him as a type of anti christ just by listening to his speeches and he was an illegal president he was not a natural born American and that was treason for him to be president and he still should be arrested for that alone and Biden was his vice president because Obama already new how he has been selling America out to communist China and to Ukraine Biden was for sell to the highest bidder even back then and I have never voted demonrat in my entire life they have always been pro criminals and pro pervert for the last 60 years I am a cripple because of demonrat pro criminals stance when I was 18 they had a huge hard on for drunk drivers if they hurt or killed anyone while driving drunk they let them out fast just so they could do it again I was this drunk driver 4th victim and he was set free quicker then I got out of the hospital and that attempted murder happened while I was enlisted and on my way to basic training and I ended up with injury prior to service

  3. WOW 😮 Wow 🤯
    For the AMAZING AMERICAN People and for the Rest of the World ✅ WHO all have realized that TRUMP is WANTING to be a Dictator of America and the World 🌎 😱

  4. You are to stupid to talk to, Just like he was a dicktator his last 4 year term. You still are drinking the left cool aide. imagine if you are smart enough, Commtella sitting across the table from Putin. Our president would be a joke

  5. Jag… more like the rest of the world knows you demonic democrats are evil lying fake news creators and we are fed up with you and you will see this on nov 6!


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