I’m more concerned that 70+ million Americans would vote for that hot mess.
Thank the Amish for showing up in large numbers to vote for Trump.
I’m more concerned that 70+ million Americans would vote for that hot mess.
Thank the Amish for showing up in large numbers to vote for Trump.
OMG, what a totally PHONY BITCH … too bad, because at ’60’ she’s still hot ( in fact, I’d nail her in a heartbeat )
Harris made her career on her knees and in bed. Think about this, she may have an STD. Better go buy steel belted rubbers for safe sex with her.
You are stupid!!!
In my opinion, she’s what is termed as a functional alcoholic.
Demonrats been trying to take our guns and Biden gives his son a pardon on the very crime he committed useing a gun talking about hypocrites love the criminal punishment law abiding citizens and this is what people actually vote for
What a bunch of whiners. guess you guys never had anything to drink alcoholic that is, or how about a little bit more of your marijuana, or who knows what other shit you use.
You’re such a bunch of haters: stop it,let it go, move on in your life!
Its’ YOU stupid wimpy dummycrats who are the whiners. You all cried when Trump beat the ugly old hag Hillary, then you stole the 2020 election using an escapee from a nursing home and his San Fransisco whore as your leaders. And now you cry because Trump won again. I laughed at Sore Throat Kamala’s drunken rant. You dummycrats should get on with your lives and LEAVE the country like your favorite queer, Ellen Degenerate, did.
LOVED your comment…right on!
Go look in the mirror.Just many billions more of taxpayers dollars is needed to bring more felonies against PRESIDENT TRUMP that are unwarranted, unfounded, trumped up lies, and more? THAT is hate dearie. You are drunk again/still on the kool-aide
Pretty good her telling people to not give up their power when for 4 years she and emptyheaded Biden tried to turn us into a communist country.
The election is over and I’m glad Harris lost but leave it alone, what she does in private life is no concern to me or anyone else. I also knew that Biden would pardon his son even after saying no many times that he would, he lied to us again.
Right on, Rosie. As it says it the Bible, Matthew 7:3
“And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?”
I feel sick at heart to listen to all the hate that comes out of your Republican mouths. You only care about yourselves. At least Kamala wanted to do some good for the world rather than try and make a dictatorship to subdue the people and their needs. Bev
How dare you quote scripture when it’s YOUR dummycrat party who kills babies, has all references to God removed from public and private property and kicked God out of the public school system and even kicked God out of your wicked party. And then in the last couple years it’s YOUR party who hates Jews, God’s chosen people. Sore Throat Kamala even told some young adults claiming Jesus is Lord to leave her rally and told them they’re at the wrong rally. You are a stupid fake who worships the one who appears as an angel of light but is really a roaring lion looking to devour. Maybe YOU should read the WHOLE Bible from cover to cover and you might learn something instead of just picking a few passages that make you feel good about you conceited self.
Right on wilddog. It says in the Bible that “They twist scripture to their OWN destruction.’
Right on!
KAMALA WAS DRUNK!! This lady in the tiktok is just as bad get a life