CNN In PANIC Mode After Trump’s HUGE Bronx Rally!!!



Trump is by far the best and most popular president this country’s ever had ❤

God bless TRUMP 2024 TRUMP


  1. Trump will in fact be the last President period. The return of God for His children no one knows but we can see the signs of the times. I can tell you the Lords coming is soon. If we are successful in defeating the efforts of the Democrats in their efforts to assassinate President Trump. If we are successful then the Lord may delay His coming for approximately 4-5 years but if these evil and senister current leaders are successful the Lords return is very near. There is already a sinister plan by the Democrats to eradicate Christianity. Trump would prevent that thus the delay of the Lords coming would be later but if these evil Democrats are successful then the Lords return will be much sooner.

  2. Everlasting life – Are you not from everlasting, O Jehovah? O my God, my Holy One, you do not die.—Hab. 1:12. – Do you find it difficult to grasp the idea that Jehovah has existed “for all eternity”? (Isa. 40:28) That is not unusual. Elihu said of God: “The number of his years is beyond comprehension.” (Job 36:26) But just because we do not understand something does not mean that it is untrue. For example, though we may not understand fully how light works, does this mean that light does not exist? Not at all! Similarly, we humans may never fully comprehend how it is that Jehovah has always existed and will always exist. But this does not mean that God does not live eternally. The Creator is not limited by what we can or cannot understand. (Rom. 11:33-36) And he existed before the material universe—including light sources such as the sun—came to be. Yes, he existed before he “stretched out the heavens.”—Jer. 51:15. – Please meditate on this FACT; Why did Adam die? He disobeyed a direct command from the Almighty which command was delivered to Adam by Jesus (Jesus translates as ‘Jehovah is salvation) who is NOW sitting on Jehovah’s throne as our king and ruler, so our obedience to Jehovah now goes through Jesus. Adam lived for 930 years, but Adam is now gone forever; he has no resurrection hope to live again as we do. Knowing that, now meditate on this FACT; JEHOVAH promises that those who obey him will have “everlasting life.” (Rom. 6:23) When we meditate on what Jehovah is offering us, our love for him certainly grows stronger. Just think: Our heavenly Father loves us so deeply that we will never be separated from him. The entire explanation of ‘everlasting life’ is about 3 pages long. If you would like to read all of it, please email me ( and request it. It is free as is all information that comes directly from Almighty Jehovah God. . I can answer ANY question you may have about the Bible and I use the Bible to answer such questions. Any help I can provide is always free as is commanded in the Bible. I depend upon Him for what I need; not you. If you wish to study the Bible, I can direct you to a FREE Bible study course that you can enjoy in your own home. Please request the link to study the Bible in your home via email.

  3. That Bronx rally was a joke. Hand picked attendees. Sorry but the color of their skin was all wrong. I was born in the Bronx and am white, but I know the area. The Liberterian convention is what really happens when he doesn’t control who is in the crowd.

  4. Sooner or Later the Democrat Insanity had to sink in to the American People. The Lies, the Crime they Created, The Danger from Un-vetted Border Jumpers that our FBI and CIA Testified to Congress and on National TV we will be hit by Terrorism and we now have Terrorist cells in every State in the Country Thanks to Biden and his Leftist. Everything they have done to our Country Foreign and Domestic is coming to a head, and the Suffering is not even close to being over with.

  5. Sadly the Fake News Main Stream Media has been the Democrats Partner in the Crimes that they have imposed on the entire Country. Unbridled Crime and creating a Criminal Heaven in every Blue City and State. The Financial Destruction in these City’s and States due to the Border Insanity by Biden and his Leftist free everything to them at the American people’s expense, Draining Resources and Services from American Citizens in need. Completely Unsustainable and that’s according to the Governors and Mayors of these Blue Sanctuary’s who stated and Voted for this Madness until it became their Problem and not just the Border States. These Media Outlets knew better but they were and are Leftist in Ideology, So they Called Riots, Looting, Arson, Billions in Destruction, even Deaths, Peaceful Protesting?? They also knew the Green New Deal was a big Lie and and Completely Impossible to replace Fossil Fuels but they did not Care. They still Back all the Lies for the Democrats but they are finding out Americans Know what these two Groups did to them, and intend to turn it around to stop the Suffering from this Leftist Ideology that is wrecking the stability of our Country Foreign and Domestically. They know the Democrats are Wrecking our Democracy with the Political Warfare that only Communist Country’s or third World Country Use, Putin Russia Tactics have never been used in our Country until now. It’s what made our Country Different until Now.
    The Fake News Media is as Guilty as Joe Biden and his Leftist.

  6. Is cnn still around ??? Wow thought they dried up years ago. Guess they have to hang onto the last piece of dryer dog crap on the bottom on of one’s shoe to try and save themselfs. Desperate deeds if ever there was one.


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