Black Republican Gives CNN Anchor A REALITY CHECK On Barack Obama Taking Credit For Trump’s Economy!



I ❤ Greg Foreman ❤

I’m a Black man over 50 in Philly and gladly voting for President TRUMP a 2nd Time.


  1. I well remember Barry or whoever he is saying what was trump going to do…wave a magic wand to bring back manufacturing..since being a moron he had no idea how to do it..he has a twisted mind anyway because out of his mouth he said he dreamt daily about going to bed with other that is sick ..!

    • I can remember when Bozo Obama made a comment about Trump being unable to recover the economy AND having the help of the RINOs to fight him but he DID recover it while fighting against BOTH parties. Then they cheated again and put clown Biden in office who took it back down.

  2. Obama is lying he’s doing everything to keep Democrats in the White House and destroy the country. He don’t care for white or black or brown or red or yellow. They want to be in power to screw us all.

  3. Rule number 1 demonrats always lies
    Rule number 2 demonrats always takes credit for TRUMPs’ success and blame TRUMP for demonrats disasters Rule number 3 demonrats always lies

  4. About tax cuts for the rich I wonder who pays for all these workers in a company? That’s right the RICH person who is providing their jobs. Seems that these brain dead politicians and the media either do not know this or just refuse to acknowledge it. No RICH people, No JOBS!!

  5. Wow! Play the race card much? Black men are so much smarter than the Dems give them credit for. The Dems do NOTHING but give false promises. They have destroyed this country financially and brought illegals here as well. Black men want what ALL men want. A better life. Obama and this yahoo are out of touch and a detriment to ALL Americans!


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