Hunter Biden is the biggest scumbag in the history of mankind. Shows you the type of father Joe Biden is. The same guy who took showers with his young daughter, which led her to drug use and promiscuity issues.
Then he marries Jill his kids former babysitter???? WTF?
One pathetic, sick, disturbing, drug, addicted family that destroyed the country. in four years this mentally compromised, cadaver, used the justice department, to go after Trump and conservatives. He needs to be held accountable for bankrupting our country, stealing millions, and other crimes.
Hunter Biden is the biggest scumbag in the history of mankind. Shows you the type of father Joe Biden is. The same guy who took showers with his young daughter, which led her to drug use and promiscuity issues.
Then he marries Jill his kids former babysitter???? WTF?
what do expect from the biden family!!
Get tthis SOB and send him back!! YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS SEND THEM HOME! These no more green cards for these radicals
Get tthis SOB and send him back!! YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS SEND THEM HOME! no more green cards for these radicals
One pathetic, sick, disturbing, drug, addicted family that destroyed the country. in four years this mentally compromised, cadaver, used the justice department, to go after Trump and conservatives. He needs to be held accountable for bankrupting our country, stealing millions, and other crimes.