BREAKING: Someone Found This Hidden Detail In Biden’s Last Executive Order And It’s Pretty Dark



This is evil. You’re looking at evil.

This is like a tenant facing eviction burning the house down on his way out


  1. With the state of mind he’s in, how can he be allowed to make any decisions or actions in the most powerful office in our land? He’s being allowed to destroy us and the democrat party sits back and cheers.

  2. AmericanPatriot exactly, how in the hell can congress/senate, politicians, allow this mentally compromised, American hating, embarrassment, make any more decisions of any kind, for america, he mentally disturbed from the way he talks. He is not stable to make any decisions, but step down, and get the hell out of government, since u are no longer anything, but a senile, feeble, old, fool, out of touch with reality. fku biden

  3. If he was forced out by his own party for being mentally declined then he should also be deemed mentally declined enough to not be able to write ANY executive orders, especially against the will of the people who spoke on Nov. 5th.

  4. None of it means a thing! The little wrinkled poop-britches old man thinks he’s being cute and slick, but it’s nothing but a flea bite! Ignore and move on because things are about to get better, and it’ll all be a huge “Slap Down” on Jan 21!

  5. President Trump just needs to go in nullifi all Biden’s Bull shit put Hunter on the hot seat and of course poopy pants daddy. Send them two clown up the river. As they tried to do to Trump. Time to clean house once and for all. Treason and traitors shall face their days accordingly.

    • Barry Soetoro, er, Bareback Obama receiving the Nobel was also the biggest joke played on the other Nobel recipients!

    • Let’s ask the 57 (last count) people that committed “Arkancide” if Cankles should recieve the “Medal of Freedom”

  6. Yes, it is well known that with many persons, they’d rather destroy a thing than lose it to someone hated. The expression is “if I can’t have it or control it, then I’ll make sure no one can”. Hopefully, people will learn from what has happened since the Russian Collusion hoax of 2016. That no one was held accountable for those lies was repeated with the Hunter Biden laptop scam (and the various impeachment hoaxes against Trump). We must end the weaponization of government powers.

  7. We all must remember what this Idiot, his puppet master ( Barry O), the left wing Party & MSM almost succeeded in completely transforming our country to a Marxist State. His Presidental reign was a total miscarriage, and a treasonous fraud perpetrated by Progressive elitists that seek total domination over our Nation & its’ citizenry. NEVER AGAIN should this happen. Do not TRUST a Democrat!

  8. These horrible moves throught the horrible Administration and a destructive President will have to be reversed, in court, or otherwise.
    Biden is an idiot, but he has been very successful in making the lives of Americans (legal ones, mind you) much worse for him having been there.

    His rolling disasters of accident after accident have all been engineered by the Deep State Demons, here in the US, and elsewhere, such as is the case with George Soros and his organization. Knowing that Soros got a Medal of Freedom from Biden induces me to vomit profusely.

    It is quite evident that the Deep State and its tentacles are out to destroy our Country. They must all be stopped or out of power, at whatever the cost. It is the only way we real Americans can save our nation, our families and ourselves, from becoming a Marxist power.

    God Bless Donald Trump, his family, and his Administration for facing all of these challenges. God Bless America.

  9. Obummer was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. For what? What did he do to earn it? Just because he won the election? Einstein earned his Peace Prize. Obummer didn’t.


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