I was 16 years old when i got pregnant.
My mother took me to get an abortion because i was too young.
But when i was there and they did the ultra sound and i saw the baby, i started cring. I couldnt do it, i decided to keep him and my mother and i bonded on our way out. His name is Alexander, and it was the best decision i EVER MADE!! I am a married woman with 7 children together with my husband. Life has its ups and down, but i have never regretted having my son early.Calling abortion “reproductive health” is sick and perverted
Good for her to make the right decision. So many young girls are scared. But God loves you and your child. Obamas mother was a young white girl that got pregnant by a black man. He ended up being the President of the United States. I really do not like him at all and i think he is responsible for all the mess this country is in. But i hope someday he realizes his purpose was not to destroy America. I hope God changes his heart and he will realize what he has done.AMEN