30 THOUSAND Boeing Workers Go Out On Strike!



The union told its workers to accept the contract. 96% told both the union and boeing to suck it!

This is the reason Unions became so relevant over 100 years ago, greed and a disrespect for the workers.


  1. Unions have become just another level of government. They were created to provide the unified voice that held the force to back up their needs. Also, when it is time to have force behind the voice that negotiates for a share in the profits.

    Why management never sees that the workforce is needed for the company to function shows their arrogance and egos that believe that they alone are the company. Without the people that actually do the labor, a company has no worth.

    The problems we see from Boeing are the result of one giant mistake made and several small ones. the first is adopting the “DIVERSITY” standards that tell us that only a balance of people of man skin colors and genders will provide quality.

    As a contractor, I will testify that nothing replaces skill, talent, and dedication to do the best work you can. Taking pride in that fact makes a company’s worth. Skin color or gender has nothing that adds to your ability to do a job.

    You train your people and advance the ones that show talent and skills along with dedication to provide your best work. not advancing people because they have been there longer, who they are related to, what paper they hold as to level of education, and lastly, skin color or gender.

    I have interviewed many who believe that because they hold some degree in underwater basket weaving that they are qualified and must be boss. I have seen people, some friends and associates that have degrees in several engineering areas that are quite intelligent. yet haven’t the skill to apply that knowledge.

    I am sure that this diversity is part of Boeings problem. another is the drive for maximum profits. Profits that come from these people that hold all the degrees on paper that have never laid a hand on their product.

    They are expert of shuffling paper from one hand to the other with such skill that is worthless to making the actual product. Expert in producing tons of paperwork that makes them look important. Expert at passing each paper from their desk to another for the official OKEY DOKEY awaiting the proper delay time for the appearance of actual thought in their decisions.

    They have learned this from Government, or possibly the other way around. Eather way, the illusion of actual efforts of their job becomes the goals. As with Beoing we see the result. We have people with little or no hands on knowledge approving safety standards that are applied from people hired on the diverse program that offers assurance that it will provide quality and a exceptional product. Clearly it has failed.

    We have seen the quality of workmanship go down. the quality of the product go down. Missing problems because of the lack of skills acquired from actual experiences. Just what excuse do they have for a door falling off?

    We now see programs costing billions fail because of governments that issue open ended contracts that hold no accountability for failure. We see pressure from agencies that force requirements upon successful companies to provide that illusion of the level playing field.

    For the unsuccessful companies that have a long history with government without accountability. A level playing field that has shown they are still unable to compete with a company that demands performance.

    Hiring people on accomplishment, not diversity. Now we see workers that strike for what media calls higher wages. Why? I see it as compensation for the need to do the jobs of others who are incompetent. The need to work harder to produce the same amount of work.

    I accuse diversity as the cause of the need for higher wages. This and government inflation causing our dollar to buy less each day with gov. Spending billions to support other nations while neglecting our own.

    Yes, the reasons are many, but not without answers. Will we get them? I doubt it. It seems their solutions always call for more money. for both companies and government. Am I wrong? ——————I,Grampa


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