Pete Buttigieg MELTS DOWN After Fox Host CATCHES HIM LYING About Biden at DNC



I promise you the majority of Black Men will not vote for Kamala Harris and her passage of time that has been Unburden by what has been.

Not unfit to run for office just unfit to have charges pressed against him


  1. Pete Buttigieg is an outrageous, pathological liar. What did Biden “accomplish”? Nothing but destruction. He’s destroying America. Biden is unfit, cackling Kammy is unfit, and Pete Buttigieg is unfit too. Biden is senile and belongs in a nursing home.

  2. Pete BS Buttigieg is a complete fool and Im sorry to say he is right up there with Kamala Hyena Harris as far as brains go! The hubris of these two is a mind boggling. They are both ugly inside and out!

  3. i hope fudge packer knows what a lier and an ass he is. he needs to play back this interview and then bury his head in shame.

  4. Pete besides been a pseudo politician appointed by a deficient mental case, has also a passion to take in the center of the back hole.

  5. Pete butegeig, just another liberal incompetent idiot (who got in just ’cause he’s gay and nothing else that’d qualify him to be transportation secretary) and in the words of Judge Judy: “making things up as he goes along”. As a gay man living in California, clowns like the rest of the buffoons in this administration embarass me. Why does the gay community blindly support the liberals despite they do nothing for them and the rest of America, play them for fools and treat them like walking ATM’s for higher and higher taxes all while the quality of life in California hit the crapper years ago and goes further downhill? I’d like a credible answer to the question: what has this administration done in the last 3+ years to improve your lives? If you think allowing boys to be girls and use women’s restrooms and locker rooms, girls to do the same, giving all kinds of free stuff to lazy leeches and freeloaders who always have their hands out, the ‘offended’ who made poor financial choices in life and think the taxpayers should bail them out, the usual losers, well these clowns are the answer to your prayers and have done splendidly. These liberal or progressive nitwits or whatever these incompetent ‘do nothings’ are calling themselves these days to sound less dangerous haven’t got a clue what needs to be done for America, the people these idiots took an oath of office to serve and have proved it over and over again. In private indiustry these nitwits would have been fired for incompetence and dereliction of duties years ago, what’s the delay here, time for this dead weight to go. Hopefully they’re all fired on November 5th, (like they should have been a long time ago for dereliction of duty). Nobody in their right mind is ok with the last 3+ years and hopefully it gets worse in the next 7 weeks to convince America to finally get rid of this albatross around our neck. The 3 Stooges, Abbot & Costello and Laurel & Hardy would do a better job than these fools and provde a few laughs as well. God help us!


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