Jack Smith Caused Biggest BACKFIRE In MSNBC History



The bully plays the victim. FJB

What other Billionaire Would Go Through All This CRAP if He Did Not LOVE OUR COUNTRY !!!


    • And people wonder why they don’t trust lawyers and the legal system anymore, let’s just call it Smith, Willis, James, Marchan, Mosby low down thieving, lying, power crazy lawyer’s list. Feel free to add the one’s I’ve missed.

    • Don, you are a liar. Smith is an upstanding prosecutor. You are a sick Trump lover who loves a loser, a fraud and a rapist, and an insurrectionist. If he gets back in, Trump will still be a liar, loser and a cheat. If MAGAs get in office, they will try to bankrupt and destroy this great nation. Trump will never be as great as President Obama!!! I got you!!! The MAGAs are a bunch of losers.

  1. I made a comment and the Communistic Democrat Censor booted me !
    I say they need to FiretrUCK them selves and SHUT UP !

  2. All this follows the J6 persecutions which appears to have been orchestrated by FBI and the imbedded political characters

  3. I think they see Trump as a billionaire who worked his ass off to get there but still eats Big Macs and respects the everyday people who do the labor jobs that probably helped him get there. He treats people like they have a brain and the people he slams have been asses to him or were working against him in his own party as well as the Dems. Listening to Pelosi and Schumer in their arrogance gloat at how they stabbed him in the back through out his term and how they’ve become wealthy while supposedly serving entire life in government is sickening.

    • Very well put. And they gang up to persecute him on “trumped” up charges while raping the country for their own personal profit. A gutless GOP continues to abide the criminality because the RINOs are in bed with the criminals while endless evidence is everywhere.

  4. Government is not the solution government is the problem, so why do we give someone else control of our lives? Government has a job to protect the borders & the people ( citizens) within them . Period.

  5. Unfortunately the majority of our Senior Gov’t officials are joined with outside countries Officials to use Our USA Tax money to help their countries finances slightly while lining their own pockets with the Majority of the money.

  6. How did the Democrat party fall to such terrible depths of depravity? How did Truman’s party become so corrupt, with lying and cheating becoming its trade mark? They embraced Sorosism, Alinskyism, everything but honesty. They fell so far that the only thing they can pull votes in with is abortion.


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