Trump SHOCKS WORLD: Confirms DEMOCRAT On Vice President List, She ACCEPTS On LIVE-TV| Unity Ticket?



"I didn't leave the Democratic Party, they left me." Ronald Reagan

Favorite quote from a Trump advisor: "TULSI GABBARD is everything that Nikki Haley can only wish she could be"


  1. I’ll be looking for DOCUMENTED CONFIMATION of Tulsi Gabbard as Trump’s VP choice from reliable sources. This tabloid website is little more than a platform for ADVERTISING!!!

  2. Support our Overseer Jesus — “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth.”—MATT. 28:18. >>> TODAY it is God’s will that the good news of the Kingdom be preached in all the earth. (Mark 13:10; 1 Tim. 2:3, 4) This is Almighty Jehovah God’s work, and it is so important that he has placed it under the direction of his beloved Son, Jesus. We can be sure that under Jesus’ capable oversight, the preaching work will be completed to Jehovah’s satisfaction before the end comes. >>> Matt. 24:14.
    In this information, we will see how Jesus is using his “faithful and discreet slave” to provide spiritual food and to organize his followers for the greatest preaching campaign in history. (Matt. 24:45) We will also see what each one of us can do to support Jesus and the faithful slave.
    JESUS OVERSEES THE PREACHING WORK — Jesus is overseeing the preaching work. How can we be sure of that? Shortly before he ascended to heaven, Jesus met with a number of his faithful followers on a mountain in Galilee. He told them: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth.” Note his very next statement: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations.” (Matt. 28:18, 19 & 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.”) So, among other things, Jesus has been given the authority to direct the preaching work which MUST be completed before the conclusion of this system of things under the control of Satan who is noted as the god of this system of things in the Bible.
    Jesus stated that the preaching and disciple-making work would be accomplished in “all the nations” and that he would be with his followers “all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.” (Matt. 28:20) Those statements clearly indicate that the preaching work would continue under Jesus’ supervision right down to our day.
    Jesus was not worried that there would be a shortage of workers during the conclusion of the system of things. He knew that the prophetic words of the psalmist would be fulfilled: “Your people will offer themselves willingly on the day of your military force.” (Ps. 110:3) If you are sharing in the preaching work, you are supporting Jesus and the faithful slave and are helping to fulfill that prophecy. The work is going ahead, but there are challenges. One challenge that Kingdom preachers face is opposition. Apostates, religious leaders, and politicians have given many the wrong impression about our work. If our relatives, acquaintances, and workmates are misled by this propaganda, they may pressure us to stop serving Jehovah and to stop preaching. In some countries, the opposition takes the form of intimidation, threats, arrests, and even imprisonment. We are not surprised at this reaction. Jesus foretold: “You will be hated by all the nations on account of my name.” (Matt. 24:9) The very fact that we are experiencing such hatred is proof that we have Jehovah’s approval. (Matt. 5:11, 12) The Devil is behind this opposition. But he is no match for Jesus! With Jesus’ support, the good news is reaching people of all nations. If you would like to know more about the Bible, please email me your question(s). Any help I can provide is always freely given. Also, I can direct you to a free online Bible study course where you can study the Bible at your convenience, please request the link via email;

  3. I think she would be a great choice for VP. I actually had her on my short list about 6 months ago and everyone laughed at me. But I still have her there!

    • my family left the dims a long time ago, IS Trump exposing of the the corruption of the deep state what made her leave? The MIC that we were warned about in 1960, that pulled off a REAL insurrection, killing JFK not enough for “you people”? good grief…. that frog in the slowly heated pot, is just about dead. There will be no turning back W/O bloodshed. (all part of the plan) R U Ready?

  4. I think Tulsi Gabbard is the best of the bunch! Unlike what we have now in a Vice President, Tulsi has brains! And she is a woman who can bring in a legitimate “woman” vote. Military background shows she cares about our country, and was willing to put her life on the line for America in true public service – not as just a talking head. Finally, her message – like Reagan – that the Democrat party left her, is a message that will resonate with middle of the road voters who are probably thinking the exact same thing. Good on Donald Trump for thinking outside the proverbial conservative box!

    • Oh, but she can’t check all the boxes like our braindead VP. I agree she would be a welcome addition to the office, she has what it takes to get the jobs done that cackling Kamala couldn’t do in a million years.

  5. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the soviet states of America
    and to the dictatorship for which it stands. one nation. Under Trump.
    Divided. with liberty and justice only for the rich

  6. She would be ok maybe as V.P. but Trump needs to train someone up to be the next running President that he can pass the baton to and I’m a female, but I will never vote for a female president, I just don’t believe they can be mentally strong enough to deal with the everyday stress and strife of running a country, look at hillary, she’s dangerous, like poison to everyone around her, could you imagine her running our country? Lord help us, but we need male presidents to run this country, good Godly men.

  7. Gabbard would be a smart choice, total asset. I believe she is one of the most trust worthy people involved in politics. In contrast to Harris, who you can just about guarantee she’s lying if her mouth is moving. Just like Old Creepy Biden!!!


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