Maxine Waters Farts Out Conspiracies That REVEAL Democrat PLANS!



This is why Hunter is the smartest person Joe Biden knows.

She is just instigating, so some other person will attack on her behalf. So cowardly and dishonest.


  1. How did this stupid woman ever win a seat in Congress and yet do nothing but tell lies, promote racism, and then have her daughter draw a big paycheck? Boy, Washington needs to be chopping the heads of the crooks.

  2. This “congress” idiot has got to go or be expelled asap. I’ve never seen anyone as stupid as her. How embarrassing!!!!! She is prime reason for Congress to have her expelled….and term limits!!!!

  3. Maxine Waters is the perfect democrat. she is arrogant, stupid, and tells us what the dmeocrats are planning by claiming the republicans are doing something.

    “maxine farts out conspiracies” can you imagine how bad that must smell? talk about your room cleaner.

  4. The side effects of TDS are numerous. Each one is worse than the other. This female has lost her frigging mind.

  5. Maxie Pad Waters is an instigator to cause riots against the Republican Party. She was yelling in a bull horn for liberals to approach any republican get in their face and tell them they weren’t wanted there. Who the hell is this jackass agitating people of her party to demand they do this? But no charges get brought up against her. She is a nasty black jerk who should get a punch in the face. Where is the law against this kind of behavior? Why because she’s black?

  6. Honestly what do you expect from one like this boot licker. She’s a democrat to the core. Stupid , delusional and helpless. All she knows, do and say what the master tells her. She be a good niger for the master.

  7. She needs to go stupid omar and AOC and Schumer and piglosi and biden and Soros and nimrod Newsome all have to go

  8. She is from South L.A. and I can’t figure out how she gets elected, either. She has nothing good to say about any thing or person.


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