NYC is Destroying Central Park… On Purpose



For every crime that is reported there are 100 more that aren't.

No point in having police when DAs dont charge criminals.


  1. What do you expect in New York?A bunch of liberal morons voted For this When you vote for democrats you vote for crime keep voting blue And get what you deserve

  2. I’d Clear Out the park. Remove the current government that causes all of this arrestcriminals send to Rikers Island until trial no early release if you can’t do the time don’t do the crime

  3. It’s really hard to feel sorry for the majority of New Yorkers, who are now wallowing in the filth they personally facilitated with their poor voting choices. Habitual stupidity has consequences. Take your whining to the government you selected…..we’re tired of hearing about it.

    • I’m a New Yorker I haven’t voted democrat in more than 30 years, problem is democrats rig elections, I was sure there would be a red wave in 2020 and 2022, but democrats always find a way to cheat, either outright cheating with COVID they created and delivered made it easy, now they’re using as much election interference as possible which includes trying to jail an opponent for doing nothing wrong!

  4. Here’s a suggestion: Send small groups of MMA fighters into the park at night to punish the slime that preys on innocent tourists, and guilty local voters.

  5. The amazing thing is after all the damage that is being done the liberal idiots will continue to support the Demonrats,thier stupidity is unbelievable

  6. Correct. No matter how much damage is done, the idiot voters will continue to elect and reelect Democraps. Cuckoo Kathy Hochul should have been booted out. Instead, the idiots reelected her. Mayor Adams is a complete idiot. Like, he hasn’t got a clue, man. I’ll betcha he gets reelected. Nothing will change in NYS until the idiot voters wake up and smell the coffee.

  7. Why would one just talk about the democrat party running and ruining NYC on purpose? Hell the democrats are ruining this whole nation before your very eyes, and the weak minded continue to vote for the democrats!

  8. As a former New Yorker – I suggest you cease in your devotion to the Communist/Democrats/Liberals/Progressives and begin to think through your decisions and develop a desire to excel the old fashioned way! You need to work smarter & harder to become more successful then realize The DEMOCRATS are not your friends – they just want the power and your money! You need to make a sincere effort in making NY City a better place to live or flee to Florida like I did!


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